Ruth Hershberg
Ruth Hershberg
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Selection on codon bias
R Hershberg, DA Petrov
Annual review of genetics 42 (1), 287-299, 2008
Novel small RNA-encoding genes in the intergenic regions of Escherichia coli
L Argaman, R Hershberg, J Vogel, G Bejerano, EGH Wagner, H Margalit, ...
Current Biology 11 (12), 941-950, 2001
High functional diversity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis driven by genetic drift and human demography
R Hershberg, M Lipatov, PM Small, H Sheffer, S Niemann, S Homolka, ...
PLoS biology 6 (12), e311, 2008
Evidence that mutation is universally biased towards AT in bacteria
R Hershberg, DA Petrov
PLoS genetics 6 (9), e1001115, 2010
A survey of small RNA‐encoding genes in Escherichia coli
R Hershberg, S Altuvia, H Margalit
Nucleic acids research 31 (7), 1813-1820, 2003
Molecular basis for expression of common and rare fragile sites
E Zlotorynski, A Rahat, J Skaug, N Ben-Porat, E Ozeri, R Hershberg, ...
Molecular and cellular biology 23 (20), 7143-7151, 2003
Small RNAs encoded within genetic islands of Salmonella typhimurium show host-induced expression and role in virulence
G Padalon-Brauch, R Hershberg, M Elgrably-Weiss, K Baruch, ...
Nucleic acids research 36 (6), 1913-1927, 2008
General rules for optimal codon choice
R Hershberg, DA Petrov
PLoS genetics 5 (7), e1000556, 2009
Strong Purifying Selection at Synonymous Sites in D. melanogaster
DS Lawrie, PW Messer, R Hershberg, DA Petrov
PLoS genetics 9 (5), e1003527, 2013
Cancer evolution is associated with pervasive positive selection on globally expressed genes
SL Ostrow, R Barshir, J DeGregori, E Yeger-Lotem, R Hershberg
PLoS genetics 10 (3), e1004239, 2014
Mutation—the engine of evolution: studying mutation and its role in the evolution of bacteria
R Hershberg
Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 7 (9), a018077, 2015
Marker genes that are less conserved in their sequences are useful for predicting genome-wide similarity levels between closely related prokaryotic strains
Y Lan, G Rosen, R Hershberg
Microbiome 4, 1-13, 2016
PromEC: An updated database of Escherichia coli mRNA promoters with experimentally identified transcriptional start sites
R Hershberg, G Bejerano, A Santos-Zavaleta, H Margalit
Nucleic Acids Research 29 (1), 277-00, 2001
Prokaryotic nucleotide composition is shaped by both phylogeny and the environment
ER Reichenberger, G Rosen, U Hershberg, R Hershberg
Genome biology and evolution 7 (5), 1380-1389, 2015
Chromosomal organization is shaped by the transcription regulatory network
R Hershberg, E Yeger-Lotem, H Margalit
Trends in genetics 21 (3), 138-142, 2005
Reduced selection leads to accelerated gene loss in Shigella
R Hershberg, H Tang, DA Petrov
Genome biology 8, 1-11, 2007
Gene loss dominates as a source of genetic variation within clonal pathogenic bacterial species
E Bolotin, R Hershberg
Genome biology and evolution 7 (8), 2173-2187, 2015
Rapid genetic adaptation during the first four months of survival under resource exhaustion
S Avrani, E Bolotin, S Katz, R Hershberg
Molecular biology and evolution 34 (7), 1758-1769, 2017
Antibiotic-independent adaptive effects of antibiotic resistance mutations
R Hershberg
Trends in Genetics 33 (8), 521-528, 2017
The codon usage of lowly expressed genes is subject to natural selection
A Yannai, S Katz, R Hershberg
Genome biology and evolution 10 (5), 1237-1246, 2018
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Articles 1–20