Luiz Antonio Ribeiro Junior
Cited by
Cited by
Effects of temperature and electric field induced phase transitions on the dynamics of polarons and bipolarons
LA Ribeiro, WF da Cunha, PH de Oliveria Neto, R Gargano, GM e Silva
New Journal of Chemistry 37 (9), 2829-2836, 2013
Transport of polarons in graphene nanoribbons
LA Ribeiro Jr, WF da Cunha, ALA Fonseca, GM e Silva, S Stafstrom
The journal of physical chemistry letters 6 (3), 510-514, 2015
On the mechanical properties and thermal stability of a recently synthesized monolayer amorphous carbon
LC Felix, RM Tromer, PAS Autreto, LA Ribeiro Junior, DS Galvao
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (27), 14855-14860, 2020
Polaron stability in molecular semiconductors: Theoretical insight into the impact of the temperature, electric field and the system dimensionality
LAR Junior, S Stafström
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (14), 8973-8982, 2015
Exciton dissociation and charge carrier recombination processes in organic semiconductors
LA Ribeiro, PH Oliveira Neto, WF da Cunha, LF Roncaratti, R Gargano, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (22), 2011
A DFT study of the electronic, optical, and mechanical properties of a recently synthesized monolayer fullerene network
RM Tromer, LAR Junior, DS Galvăo
Chemical Physics Letters 804, 139925, 2022
Critical temperature and products of intrachain polaron recombination in conjugated polymers
WF da Cunha, LAR Junior, R Gargano, GM e Silva
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (32), 17072-17080, 2014
Bipolaron Dynamics in Graphene Nanoribbons
GG Silva, LA Ribeiro Junior, ML Pereira Junior, AL de Almeida Fonseca, ...
Scientific Reports 9, 2909, 2019
Impurity effects on polaron dynamics in graphene nanoribbons
WF da Cunha, LAR Junior, AL de Almeida Fonseca, R Gargano, ...
Carbon 91, 171-177, 2015
Irida-graphene: A new 2d carbon allotrope
MLP Júnior, WF da Cunha, WF Giozza, RT de Sousa Junior, LAR Junior
FlatChem 37, 100469, 2023
Kinetics of the OH+HCl→H2O+Cl reaction: Rate determining roles of stereodynamics and roaming and of quantum tunneling
ND Coutinho, FO Sanches‐Neto, VH Carvalho‐Silva, HCB de Oliveira, ...
Journal of Computational Chemistry 39 (30), 2508-2516, 2018
Tuning penta-Graphene electronic properties through engineered Line Defects
RM Santos, LE Sousa, DS Galvăo, LA Ribeiro
Scientific reports 10 (1), 8014, 2020
On the mechanical properties and fracture patterns of the nonbenzenoid carbon allotrope (biphenylene network): a reactive molecular dynamics study
ML Pereira, WF Da Cunha, RT De Sousa, GDA Nze, DS Galvăo, ...
Nanoscale 14 (8), 3200-3211, 2022
Impurity effects and temperature influence on the exciton dissociation dynamics in conjugated polymers
LA Ribeiro, WF da Cunha, PHO Neto, R Gargano, GM e Silva
Chemical Physics Letters 580, 108-114, 2013
Mechanical, electronic, and optical properties of 8-16-4 graphyne: A 2d carbon allotrope with dirac cones
RM Tromer, ML Pereira Júnior, KA L. Lima, AF Fonseca, LR da Silva, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (25), 12226-12234, 2023
Thermal stability and fracture patterns of a recently synthesized monolayer fullerene network: A reactive molecular dynamics study
LAR Junior, MLP Junior, WF Giozza, RM Tromer, DS Galvăo
Chemical Physics Letters 807, 140075, 2022
Impact of the electron–phonon interactions on the polaron dynamics in graphene nanoribbons
AVP Abreu, JF Teixeira, ALA Fonseca, R Gargano, GM e Silva, LA Ribeiro
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 120 (27), 4901-4906, 2016
Impact of the electron–phonon coupling symmetry on the polaron stability and mobility in organic molecular semiconductors
LA Ribeiro, S Stafström
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (3), 1386-1391, 2016
A DFT study of a set of natural dyes for organic electronics
IT Lima, L Sousa, RS Freitas, LAR Junior, RT de Sousa Júnior, ...
Journal of molecular modeling 23, 1-9, 2017
Ultrafast direct generation of quasiparticles in graphene nanoribbons
MM Fischer, LAR Junior, WF da Cunha, LE de Sousa, GM e Silva, ...
Carbon 158, 553-558, 2020
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Articles 1–20