Athanassios Machias
Athanassios Machias
Research Director HCMR
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Bottom trawl discards in the northeastern Mediterranean Sea
A Machias, V Vassilopoulou, D Vatsos, P Bekas, A Kallianiotis, ...
Fisheries research 53 (2), 181-195, 2001
Characterizing the potential habitat of European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Mediterranean Sea, at different life stages
M Giannoulaki, M Iglesias, MP Tugores, A Bonanno, B Patti, A De Felice, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 22 (2), 69-89, 2013
Feeding habits and ontogenetic diet shift of the striped red mullet, Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758
M Labropoulou, A Machias, N Tsimenides, A Eleftheriou
Fisheries Research 31 (3), 257-267, 1997
Ecological indicators to capture the effects of fishing on biodiversity and conservation status of marine ecosystems
M Coll, LJ Shannon, KM Kleisner, MJ Juan-Jordá, A Bundy, AG Akoglu, ...
Ecological Indicators 60, 947-962, 2016
Changes in wild fish assemblages after the establishment of a fish farming zone in an oligotrophic marine ecosystem
A Machias, I Karakassis, M Labropoulou, S Somarakis, KN Papadopoulou, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 60 (4), 771-779, 2004
Pattern of oocyte development and batch fecundity in the Mediterranean sardine
K Ganias, S Somarakis, A Machias, A Theodorou
Fisheries research 67 (1), 13-23, 2004
Food-web traits of the North Aegean Sea ecosystem (Eastern Mediterranean) and comparison with other Mediterranean ecosystems
K Tsagarakis, M Coll, M Giannoulaki, S Somarakis, C Papaconstantinou, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88 (2), 233-248, 2010
Factors affecting the spawning period of sardine in two highly oligotrophic Seas
K Ganias, S Somarakis, C Koutsikopoulos, A Machias
Marine Biology 151, 1559-1569, 2007
Response of demersal fish communitiesto the presence of fish farms
A Machias, I Karakassis, M Giannoulaki, KN Papadopoulou, CJ Smith, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 288, 241-250, 2005
Evaluation of spawning frequency in a Mediterranean sardine population (Sardina pilchardus sardina)
K Ganias, S Somarakis, A Machias, AJ Theodorou
Marine Biology 142, 1169-1179, 2003
Habitat suitability modelling for sardine Sardina pilchardus in a highly diverse ecosystem: the Mediterranean Sea
MP Tugores, M Giannoulaki, M Iglesias, A Bonanno, V Tičina, I Leonori, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 443, 181-205, 2011
Spawning habitat and daily egg production of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in the eastern Mediterranean
S Somarakis, K Ganias, A Siapatis, C Koutsikopoulos, A Machias, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 15 (4), 281-292, 2006
Habitat suitability modelling for sardine juveniles (Sardina pilchardus) in the Mediterranean Sea
M Giannoulaki, MM Pyrounaki, B Liorzou, I Leonori, VD Valavanis, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 20 (5), 367-382, 2011
Habitat selection and diet of juvenile red porgy, Pagrus pagrus(Linnaeus, 1758)
M Labropoulou, A Machias, N Tsimenides
Fishery Bulletin 97 (3), 495-507, 1999
Fish farming effects on local fisheries landings in oligotrophic seas
A Machias, M Giannoulaki, S Somarakis, CD Maravelias, C Neofitou, ...
Aquaculture 261 (2), 809-816, 2006
Habitat selection response of small pelagic fish in different environments. Two examples from the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea
A Bonanno, M Giannoulaki, M Barra, G Basilone, A Machias, S Genovese, ...
PLoS One 9 (7), e101498, 2014
Intra-specific variation in resource use by red mullet, Mullus barbatus
A Machias, M Labropoulou
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 55 (4), 565-578, 2002
Bathymetric distribution and movements of red mullet Mullussurmuletus
A Machias, S Somarakis, N Tsimenides
Marine Ecology Progress Series 166, 247-257, 1998
Trends in productivity and biomass yields in the Mediterranean Sea large marine ecosystem during climate change
KI Stergiou, S Somarakis, G Triantafyllou, KP Tsiaras, M Giannoulaki, ...
Environmental Development 17, 57-74, 2016
Age, growth and bathymetric distribution of red pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) on the Cretan shelf (eastern Mediterranean)
S Somarakis, A Machias
Journal of the marine biological association of the United Kingdom 82 (1 …, 2002
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Articles 1–20