Ulrich Kohnle
Ulrich Kohnle
Forest Research Station Baden-Wuerttemberg, Freiburg/Germany
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Cited by
Comparison between the productivity of pure and mixed stands of Norway spruce and European beech along an ecological gradient
H Pretzsch, J Block, J Dieler, PH Dong, U Kohnle, J Nagel, H Spellmann, ...
Annals of Forest Science 67 (7), 712, 2010
Productivity of mixed versus pure stands of oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Quercus robur L.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) along an …
H Pretzsch, K Bielak, J Block, A Bruchwald, J Dieler, HP Ehrhart, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 132, 263-280, 2013
How does silviculture affect storm damage in forests of south-western Germany? Results from empirical modeling based on long-term observations
A Albrecht, M Hanewinkel, J Bauhus, U Kohnle
European Journal of Forest Research 131 (1), 229-247, 2012
Complementarity in mixed-species stands of Abies alba and Picea abies varies with climate, site quality and stand density
DI Forrester, U Kohnle, AT Albrecht, J Bauhus
Forest ecology and management 304, 233-242, 2013
An inventory-based approach for modeling single-tree storm damage—experiences with the winter storm of 1999 in southwestern Germany
M Schmidt, M Hanewinkel, G Kändler, E Kublin, U Kohnle
Canadian journal of forest research 40 (8), 1636-1652, 2010
Dosage response to ethanol mediates host selection by “secondary” bark beetles
D Klimetzek, J Köhler, JP Vité, U Kohnle
Naturwissenschaften 73 (5), 270-272, 1986
Rhizosphere engineering for soil carbon sequestration
C Wang, Y Kuzyakov
Trends in Plant Science 29 (4), 447-468, 2024
Semiochemicals from bark beetles: new results, remarks, and reflections
W Francke, J Bartels, H Meyer, F Schröder, U Kohnle, E Baader, ...
Journal of Chemical Ecology 21, 1043-1063, 1995
Growth resistance and resilience of mixed silver fir and Norway spruce forests in central Europe: Contrasting responses to mild and severe droughts
A Bottero, DI Forrester, M Cailleret, U Kohnle, A Gessler, D Michel, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (18), 4403-4419, 2021
Maintenance of long-term experiments for unique insights into forest growth dynamics and trends: review and perspectives
H Pretzsch, M del Río, P Biber, C Arcangeli, K Bielak, P Brang, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 138, 165-185, 2019
Zur zukunft der buche (Fagus sylvatica L.) in mitteleuropa. Kritische anmerkungen zu einem beitrag von rennenberg et al
C Ammer, H Albrecht, H Borchert, F Brosinger, CH Dittmar, W Elling, ...
Allg. Forst-u. J..-Ztg., 176 (4), S. 60-67, 2005
Modelling branch characteristics of Norway spruce from wide spacings in Germany
S Hein, H Mäkinen, C Yue, U Kohnle
Forest ecology and Management 242 (2-3), 155-164, 2007
Review on the projections of future storminess over the North Atlantic European region
T Mölter, D Schindler, AT Albrecht, U Kohnle
Atmosphere 7 (4), 60, 2016
Growth and quality of young oaks (Quercus robur and Quercus petraea) grown in cluster plantings in central Europe: A weighted meta-analysis
S Saha, C Kuehne, U Kohnle, P Brang, A Ehring, J Geisel, B Leder, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 283, 106-118, 2012
Effect of wide spacing on tree growth, branch and sapwood properties of young Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] in south-western Germany
S Hein, AR Weiskittel, U Kohnle
European journal of forest research 127 (6), 481-493, 2008
Tree ring isotopic composition, radial increment and height growth reveal provenance-specific reactions of Douglas-fir towards environmental parameters
K Jansen, J Sohrt, U Kohnle, I Ensminger, A Gessler
Trees 27, 37-52, 2013
Storm damage of Douglas-fir unexpectedly high compared to Norway spruce
A Albrecht, U Kohnle, M Hanewinkel, J Bauhus
Annals of forest science 70, 195-207, 2013
Combining tree-and stand-level models: a new approach to growth prediction
C Yue, U Kohnle, S Hein
Forest Science 54 (5), 553-566, 2008
Mischung und Produktivität von Waldbeständen. Ergebnisse langfristiger ertragskundlicher Versuche
H Pretzsch, K Bielak, A Bruchwald, J Dieler, M Dudzinska, HP Ehrhart, ...
Allgemeine Forst-und Jagdzeitung 184 (7/8), 177-196, 2013
Aggregation response of European engraver beetles of the genus Ips mediated by terpenoid pheromones
U Kohnle, JP Vité, C Erbacher, J Bartels, W Francke
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 49 (1‐2), 43-53, 1988
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Articles 1–20