Francesca Pancotto
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Cited by
Amoral familism, social capital, or trust? The behavioural foundations of the Italian North–South divide
M Bigoni, S Bortolotti, M Casari, D Gambetta, F Pancotto
The Economic Journal 126 (594), 1318-1341, 2016
Community social capital and status: The social dilemma of food waste
S Piras, F Pancotto, S Righi, M Vittuari, M Setti
Ecological Economics 183, 106954, 2021
Equilibria, stability and asymptotic dominance in a speculative market with heterogeneous traders
M Anufriev, G Bottazzi, F Pancotto
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30 (9-10), 1787-1835, 2006
Reputation and punishment sustain cooperation in the optional public goods game
S Podder, F Pancotto, S Righi
Philosopical Transactions of the Royal Society Biological Sciences 376 (B), 2021
Norms of punishment: Experiments with students and the general population
S Bortolotti, M Casari, F Pancotto
Economic Inquiry 53 (2), 1207-1223, 2015
Does volatility matter? Expectations of price return and variability in an asset pricing experiment
G Bottazzi, G Devetag, F Pancotto
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 77 (2), 124-146, 2011
Improve education opportunities for better integration of Syrian refugees in Turkey
M Mamei, SM Cilasun, M Lippi, F Pancotto, S Tümen
Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios: The'Data for Refugees …, 2019
Is social capital associated with synchronization in human communication? An analysis of Italian call records and measures of civic engagement
M Mamei, F Pancotto, M De Nadai, B Lepri, M Vescovi, F Zambonelli, ...
EPJ Data Science 7, 1-16, 2018
Pro-sociality and strategic reasoning in economic decisions
B Arruņada, M Casari, F Pancotto
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 9, 140, 2015
Persuasion in financial advertising: Behavioral or rational?
R Ferretti, F Pancotto, E Rubaltelli
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 71, 26-30, 2017
The minority game unpacked: Coordination and competition in a team-based experiment
G Devetag, F Pancotto, T Brenner
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 24, 761-797, 2014
Reflectivity relates differently to pro sociality in naīve and strategic subjects
F Pancotto, S Righi
Scientific reports 11 (1), 12745, 2021
Overreaction in survey exchange rate forecasts
F Pancotto, FM Pericoli, M Pistagnesi
Journal of Forecasting 33 (4), 243-258, 2014
Policy implications of the D4R challenge
AA Salah, MT Altuncu, S Balcisoy, E Frydenlund, M Mamei, MA Akyol, ...
Guide to mobile data analytics in refugee scenarios: the'Data for Refugees …, 2019
Soccer Bubble: Is There a Speculative Bubble in the Price of International Soccer Players?
F Pancotto, G Addessi, N Auteri
Journal of Sports Economics, 10.1177/1527002524123963, 2024
Voluntary play increases cooperation in the presence of punishment: a lab in the field experiment
F Pancotto, S Righi, K Takács
Theory and Decision 95 (3), 405-428, 2023
Till labor cost do us part: On the long run convergence of EMU countries
F Pancotto, FM Pericoli
International Economics and Economic Policy 11, 371-395, 2014
Are self-regarding subjects more rational?
B Arruņada, M Casari, F Pancotto
Understanding post disaster prosociality: Comparing post earthquake cooperation and fairness in two Italian regions
F Pancotto, F Giardini, S Righi
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 106, 104165, 2024
Customer complaining and probability of default in consumer credit
S Cosma, F Pancotto, P Vezzani
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Articles 1–20