Elizabeth W. North
Elizabeth W. North
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
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Cited by
Vertical swimming behavior influences the dispersal of simulated oyster larvae in a coupled particle-tracking and hydrodynamic model of Chesapeake Bay
EW North, Z Schlag, RR Hood, M Li, L Zhong, T Gross, VS Kennedy
Marine Ecology Progress Series 359, 99-115, 2008
Linking ETM physics, zooplankton prey, and fish early-life histories to striped bass Morone saxatilis and white perch M. americana recruitment
EW North, ED Houde
Marine Ecology Progress Series 260, 219-236, 2003
A nearshore model to investigate the effects of seagrass bed geometry on wave attenuation and suspended sediment transport
SN Chen, LP Sanford, EW Koch, F Shi, EW North
Estuaries and Coasts 30, 296-310, 2007
Simulating Oil Droplet Dispersal From the Deepwater Horizon Spill With a Lagrangian Approach
EWEW North, EEEE Adams, ZZ Schlag, CRCR Sherwood, RR He, ...
Monitoring and Modeling the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A Record‐Breaking …, 2011
Manual of recommended practices for modelling physical–biological interactions during fish early life.
EW North, A Gallego, P Petitgas
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), 2009
Retention of white perch and striped bass larvae: biological-physical interactions in Chesapeake Bay estuarine turbidity maximum
EW North, ED Houde
Estuaries 24, 756-769, 2001
Intercomparison of oil spill prediction models for accidental blowout scenarios with and without subsea chemical dispersant injection
SA Socolofsky, EE Adams, MC Boufadel, ZM Aman, Ų Johansen, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 96 (1-2), 110-126, 2015
Using a random displacement model to simulate turbulent particle motion in a baroclinic frontal zone: A new implementation scheme and model performance tests
EW North, RR Hood, SY Chao, LP Sanford
Journal of Marine Systems 60 (3-4), 365-380, 2006
The influence of droplet size and biodegradation on the transport of subsurface oil droplets during the Deepwater Horizon spill: a model sensitivity study
EW North, EE Adams, AE Thessen, Z Schlag, R He, SA Socolofsky, ...
Environmental Research Letters 10 (2), 024016, 2015
Linking optimization and ecological models in a decision support tool for oyster restoration and management
EW North, DM King, J Xu, RR Hood, RIE Newell, K Paynter, ML Kellogg, ...
Ecological applications 20 (3), 851-866, 2010
Introduction: status and future of modelling physical–biological interactions during the early life of fishes
A Gallego, EW North, P Petitgas
Marine Ecology Progress Series 347, 121-126, 2007
The influence of wind and river pulses on an estuarine turbidity maximum: Numerical studies and field observations in Chesapeake Bay
EW North, SY Chao, LP Sanford, RR Hood
Estuaries 27, 132-146, 2004
The feeding ecology of Morone americana larvae in the Chesapeake Bay estuarine turbidity maximum: the influence of physical conditions and prey concentrations
J Shoji, EW North, ED Houde
Journal of Fish Biology 66 (5), 1328-1341, 2005
Retention mechanisms of white perch (Morone americana) and striped bass (Morone saxatilis) early‐life stages in an estuarine turbidity maximum: an integrative …
EW North, ED Houde
Fisheries Oceanography 15 (6), 429-450, 2006
Harmful algae pose additional challenges for oyster restoration: impacts of the harmful algae Karlodinium veneficum and Prorocentrum minimum on early life stages of the oysters …
PM Glibert, J Alexander, DW Meritt, EW North, DK Stoecker
Journal of Shellfish Research 26 (4), 919-925, 2007
Distribution and transport of bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) eggs and larvae in Chesapeake Bay
EW North, ED Houde
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 60 (3), 409-429, 2004
The treatment of biodegradation in models of sub-surface oil spills: A review and sensitivity study
SA Socolofsky, J Gros, E North, MC Boufadel, TF Parkerton, EE Adams
Marine pollution bulletin 143, 204-219, 2019
The influence of episodic events on transport of striped bass eggs to the estuarine turbidity maximum nursery area
EW North, RR Hood, SY Chao, LP Sanford
Estuaries 28, 108-123, 2005
Modeling the effects of oyster reefs and breakwaters on seagrass growth
KA Smith, EW North, F Shi, SN Chen, RR Hood, EW Koch, RIE Newell
Estuaries and Coasts 32, 748-757, 2009
Research challenges at the land–sea interface
DM Talley, EW North, AR Juhl, DA Timothy, D Conde, FC Jody, CA Brown, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 58 (4), 699-702, 2003
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Articles 1–20