Miguel Aguilera
Miguel Aguilera
BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
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Tecnopolítica: la potencia de las multitudes conectadas
J Toret, A Calleja-López, OM Miró, P Aragón, M Aguilera, A Lumbreras
IN3 Working Paper Series., 2013
Multitudinous identities: a qualitative and network analysis of the 15M collective identity
A Monterde, A Calleja-López, M Aguilera, XE Barandiaran, J Postill
Information, Communication & Society 18 (8), 930-950, 2015
How particular is the physics of the free energy principle?
M Aguilera, B Millidge, A Tschantz, CL Buckley
Physics of Life Reviews, 2022
The situated HKB model: how sensorimotor spatial coupling can alter oscillatory brain dynamics
M Aguilera, MG Bedia, BA Santos, XE Barandiaran
Frontiers in computational neuroscience 7, 117, 2013
A unifying framework for mean-field theories of asymmetric kinetic Ising systems
M Aguilera, SA Moosavi, H Shimazaki
Nature communications 12 (1), 1197, 2021
Quantifying political self-organization in social media. fractal patterns in the Spanish 15M movement on twitter.
M Aguilera, I Morer, XE Barandiaran, MG Bedia
ECAL, 395-402, 2013
Integrated information in the thermodynamic limit
M Aguilera, EA Di Paolo
Neural Networks 114, 136-146, 2019
Critical integration in neural and cognitive systems: Beyond power-law scaling as the hallmark of soft assembly
M Aguilera, EA Di Paolo
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 123, 230-237, 2021
Scaling behaviour and critical phase transitions in integrated information theory
M Aguilera
Entropy 21 (12), 1198, 2019
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of the asymmetric Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
M Aguilera, M Igarashi, H Shimazaki
Nature Communications 14 (1), 3685, 2023
Spin glass systems as collective active inference
C Heins, B Klein, D Demekas, M Aguilera, CL Buckley
International Workshop on Active Inference, 75-98, 2022
Neurociencia y tecnopolítica: hacia un marco analógico para comprender la mente colectiva del 15M
X Barandiaran, M Aguilera
Tecnopolítica y M 15, 163-211, 2015
Self-organized criticality, plasticity and sensorimotor coupling. Explorations with a neurorobotic model in a behavioural preference task
M Aguilera, XE Barandiaran, MG Bedia, F Seron
PloS one 10 (2), e0117465, 2015
Quantifying long-range correlations and 1/f patterns in a minimal experiment of social interaction
MG Bedia, M Aguilera, T Gómez, DG Larrode, F Seron
Frontiers in psychology 5, 1281, 2014
Sensorimotor coordination and metastability in a situated HKB model
B Santos, X Barandiaran, P Husbands, M Aguilera, M Bedia
Connection Science 24 (4), 143-161, 2012
Extended neural metastability in an embodied model of sensorimotor coupling
M Aguilera, MG Bedia, XE Barandiaran
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 10, 76, 2016
Analysis of Ultrastability in Small Dynamical Recurrent Neural Networks
EJ Izquierdo, M Aguilera, RD Beer
Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 12, 51-58, 2013
Adaptation to criticality through organizational invariance in embodied agents
M Aguilera, MG Bedia
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 7723, 2018
Signatures of criticality in a maximum entropy model of the C. elegans brain during free behaviour
M Aguilera, C Alquézar, EJ Izquierdo
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 29-35, 2017
Towards modelling social habits: an organismically inspired evolutionary robotics approach
MG Bedia, M Heras-Escribano, D Cajal, M Aguilera, XE Barandiaran
Artificial life conference proceedings, 341-348, 2019
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Articles 1–20