Rajat Mehrotra
Rajat Mehrotra
Cisco Meraki
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Towards an autonomic performance management approach for a cloud broker environment using a decomposition–coordination based methodology
R Mehrotra, S Srivastava, I Banicescu, S Abdelwahed
Future Generation Computer Systems 54, 195-205, 2016
Performance modeling of distributed multi-tier enterprise systems
A Dubey, R Mehrotra, S Abdelwahed, A Tantawi
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 37 (2), 9-11, 2009
Large scale monitoring and online analysis in a distributed virtualized environment
R Mehrotra, A Dubey, S Abdelwahed, W Monceaux
2011 Eighth IEEE International Conference and Workshops on Engineering of …, 2011
Power-Aware Modeling and Autonomic Management Framework for Distributed Computing Systems.
R Mehrotra, A Dubey, S Abdelwahed, AN Tantawi
Handbook of Energy-Aware and Green Computing 2, 621-648, 2012
Rfdmon: A real-time and fault-tolerant distributed system monitoring approach
R Mehrotra, A Dubey, S Abdelwahed, KW Rowland
ICAS 2012, The Eighth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous …, 2012
A Power-Aware Autonomic Approach for Performance Management of Scientific Applications in a Data Center Environment
R Mehrotra, I Banicescu, S Srivastava, S Abdelwahed
Handbook on Data Centers, 163-189, 2015
On state of the art in virtual machine security
Q Chen, R Mehrotra, A Dubey, S Abdelwahed, K Rowland
Southeastcon, 2012 Proceedings of IEEE, 1-6, 2012
Model identification for performance management of distributed enterprise systems
R Mehrotra, A Dubey, S Abdelwahed, A Tantawi
ISIS 10, 104, 2010
Towards autonomic performance management of large scale data centers using interaction balance principle
R Mehrotra, S Abdelwahed
Cluster Computing 17 (3), 979-999, 2014
An interaction balance based approach for autonomic performance management in a cloud computing environment
R Mehrotra, S Srivastava, I Banicescu, S Abdelwahed
Adaptive Resource Management and Scheduling for Cloud Computing: First …, 2014
Integrated monitoring and control for performance management of distributed enterprise systems
R Mehrotra, A Dubey, S Abdelwahed, A Tantawi
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of …, 2010
A utility based power-aware autonomic approach for running scientific applications
R Mehrotra, I Banicescu, S Srivastava
2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2012
A distributed control approach for autonomic performance management in cloud computing environment
R Mehrotra, S Abdelwahed, A Erradi
2013 IEEE/ACM 6th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing …, 2013
A component-based framework for autonomic performance management in a distributed computing environment
R Mehrotra, S Abdelwahedy
2014 IEEE/ACS 11th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2014
Application of Interaction Balance Principle for Optimal Control in the Distributed Web Service Deployment
R Mehrotra, S Abdelwahed
Miss. State Uni., Tech. Rep. MSU-13-002, 2013
Model-based Autonomic Performance Management of Distributed Enterprise Systems and Applications
R Mehrotra
Mississippi State University, 2013
An Implementation of a Real-Time Monitoring Framework to Support Fault Management in Distributed Systems
R Jia, R Mehrotra, S Abdelwahed, A Erradi
A Model-based Framework for Autonomic Performance Management of Cloud Computing Systems
S Srivastava, R Mehrotra, I Banicescu, S Abdelwahed
Proceedings of the 15th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for …, 2012
SCOPE-GCTC 2018 Workshop Organization
M Behl, A Dubey, S Rhee, S Tousley, M Burns, CK NYU, H Purohit, J Tan, ...
2013 IEEE/ACM 6th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC)(2013)
R Mehrotra, S Abdelwahed, A Erradi
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Articles 1–20