Dominique O'Brien
Dominique O'Brien
Research officer, TropWATER, James Cook University
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Determination of deployment specific chemical uptake rates for SDB-RPD Empore disk using a passive flow monitor (PFM)
D O’Brien, M Bartkow, JF Mueller
Chemosphere 83 (9), 1290-1295, 2011
A novel method for the in situ calibration of flow effects on a phosphate passive sampler
DS O'Brien, B Chiswell, JF Mueller
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 11 (1), 212-219, 2009
Passive sampling of perfluorinated chemicals in water: In-situ calibration
SL Kaserzon, DW Hawker, K Booij, DS O'Brien, K Kennedy, ...
Environmental pollution 186, 98-103, 2014
Determination of deployment specific chemical uptake rates for SPMD and PDMS using a passive flow monitor
D O’Brien, T Komarova, JF Mueller
Marine pollution bulletin 64 (5), 1005-1011, 2012
Method for the in Situ Calibration of a Passive Phosphate Sampler in Estuarine and Marine Waters
DS O’Brien, K Booij, DW Hawker, JF Mueller
Environmental science & technology 45 (7), 2871-2877, 2011
Water resource development and high value coastal wetlands on the lower Burdekin floodplain, Australia
AM Davis, SE Lewis, DS O’Brien, ZT Bainbridge, C Bentley, JF Mueller, ...
Estuaries of Australia in 2050 and beyond, 223-245, 2014
Links between water quality and marine turtle health
J Brodie, E Ariel, C Thomas, D O’Brien, K Berry
TropWATER—Tropical Water & Aquatic Ecosystem Research, 2014
The performance of passive flow monitors and phosphate accumulating passive samplers when exposed to pulses in external water flow rate and/or external phosphate concentrations
D O’Brien, D Hawker, M Shaw, JF Mueller
Environmental Pollution 159 (5), 1435-1441, 2011
Evaluation of an in-field calibration technique for evaluating the influencing of flow on passive sampling uptake rates through the use of a phosphate passive sampler
DS O’Brien, B Chiswell, JF Mueller
J. Environ. Monit 11, 212-219, 2009
Correction of deployment specific chemical uptake rates for chlorinated pesticides accumulated by SPMD and PDMS passive sampling devices using a passive flow monitor
D O'Brien, J Mueller
Organohalogen Compounds 74, 351-354, 2012
Calibration of aquatic passive samplers: Accounting for changes in chemical uptake rates when exposed to variations in environmental flow conditions
DS O'Brien, S Kaserzon, ELM Vermeirssen, DW Hawker, K Kennedy, ...
SETAC Australasia (2012). Proceedings of the 2nd SETAC Australasia Conference., 2012
A method for the in situ calibration of a phosphate passive sampler in estuarine and marine waters.
DS O'Brien, JF Mueller, K Booij, DW Hawker
4th International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium, 2011
Water passive sampler calibration: accounting for changes in chemical uptake rates when exposed to variations in environmental conditions
D O'Brien
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Articles 1–13