Özgen Çolak
Özgen Çolak
professor of yildiz technical university, visiting professor of Strasbourg University
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Cited by
Modeling deformation behavior of polymers with viscoplasticity theory based on overstress
OU Colak
International Journal of Plasticity 21 (1), 145-160, 2005
Modelling effects of degree of crystallinity on mechanical behavior of semicrystalline polymers
N Dusunceli, OU Colak
International Journal of Plasticity 24 (7), 1224-1242, 2008
Modeling viscoelastic and viscoplastic behavior of high density polyethylene (HDPE)
OU Colak, N Dusunceli
The effects of manufacturing techniques on viscoelastic and viscoplastic behavior of high density polyethylene (HDPE)
N Dusunceli, OU Colak
Materials & Design 29 (6), 1117-1124, 2008
Compressive failure strengths and modes of woven S2-glass reinforced polyester due to quasi-static and dynamic loading
AS Khan, OU Colak, P Centala
International Journal of Plasticity 18 (10), 1337-1357, 2002
Kinematic hardening rules for modeling uniaxial and multiaxial ratcheting
OU Colak
Materials & Design 29 (8), 1575-1581, 2008
High density polyethylene (HDPE): Experiments and modeling
N Dusunceli, OU Colak
Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 10, 331-345, 2006
Modeling of uniaxial and biaxial ratcheting behavior of 1026 Carbon steel using the simplified Viscoplasticity Theory Based on Overstress (VBO)
OU Colak, E Krempl
Acta Mechanica 160 (1), 27-44, 2003
High strain rate behavior of graphene-epoxy nanocomposites
ÖU Colak, N Bahlouli, D Uzunsoy, C Francart
Polymer Testing 81, 106219, 2020
A viscoplasticity theory applied to proportional and non-proportional cyclic loading at small strains
OU Colak
International Journal of Plasticity 20 (8-9), 1387-1401, 2004
Material model parameter estimation with genetic algorithm optimization method and modeling of strain and temperature dependent behavior of epoxy resin with cooperative-VBO model
OU Colak, Y Cakir
Mechanics of Materials 135, 57-66, 2019
Modeling of the monotonic and cyclic Swift effects using an isotropic, finite viscoplasticity theory based on overstress (FVBO)
OU Colak, E Krempl
International journal of plasticity 21 (3), 573-588, 2005
Determination of material parameters of a viscoplastic model by genetic algorithm
N Dusunceli, OU Colak, C Filiz
Materials & Design 31 (3), 1250-1255, 2010
Uniaxial strain and stress-controlled cyclic responses of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene: experiments and model simulations
T Hassan, OU Çolak, PM Clayton
Modeling of large simple shear using a viscoplastic overstress model and classical plasticity model with different objective stress rates
OU Colak
Acta Mechanica 167, 171-187, 2004
Development of high purity, few-layer graphene synthesis by electric arc discharge technique
U Çotul, E Parmak, C Kaykilarli, O Saray, Ö Colak, D Uzunsoy
Acta Physica Polonica A 134 (1), 2018
Cooperative-VBO model for polymer/graphene nanocomposites
A Acar, O Colak, JPM Correia, S Ahzi
Mechanics of Materials 125, 1-13, 2018
Synthesis and characterization of graphene-epoxy nanocomposites
A Acar, ÖÜ Çolak, D Uzunsoy
Materials Testing 57 (11-12), 1001-1005, 2015
Cooperative viscoplasticity theory based on the overstress approach for modeling large deformation behavior of amorphous polymers
OU Çolak, S Ahzi, Y Remond
Polymer International 62 (11), 1560-1565, 2013
Makina elemanlarının projelendirilmesi
A Bozacı, İ Koçaş, ÖÜ Çolak
Çağlayan Kitabevi, 2012
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Articles 1–20