Gustavo Londono
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Cited by
Exploring the role of physiology and biotic interactions in determining elevational ranges of tropical animals
JE Jankowski, GA Londoño, SK Robinson, MA Chappell
Ecography 36 (1), 1-12, 2013
Basal metabolism in tropical birds: latitude, altitude, and the ‘pace of life’
GA Londono, MA Chappell, MR Castaneda, JE Jankowski, SK Robinson
Functional Ecology 29 (3), 338-346, 2015
Urban mockingbirds quickly learn to identify individual humans
DJ Levey, GA Londoño, J Ungvari-Martin, MR Hiersoux, JE Jankowski, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (22), 8959-8962, 2009
Effects of temperature and food on incubation behaviour of the northern mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos
GA Londoño, DJ Levey, SK Robinson
Animal Behaviour 76 (3), 669-677, 2008
Do thermoregulatory costs limit altitude distributions of Andean forest birds?
GA Londoño, MA Chappell, JE Jankowski, SK Robinson
Functional Ecology 31 (1), 204-215, 2017
New and noteworthy bird records from the northern sector of the Western Andes of Colombia
AM Cuervo, FG Stiles, CD Cadena, JL Toro, GA Londoño
Bull British Ornithologists' Club 123 (1), 2003
Morphological and behavioral evidence of Batesian mimicry in nestlings of a lowland Amazonian bird
GA Londoño, DA García, MA Sánchez Martínez
The American Naturalist 185 (1), 135-141, 2015
Densidad poblacional e historia natural de la Pava Negra (Aburria aburri) en los Andes centrales de Colombia
MM Ríos, GA Londoño, MC Muñoz
Ornitología Neotropical 16 (2), 205-217, 2005
Diet of the Cauca Guan: exploitation of a novel food source in times of scarcity
MC Muñoz, GA Londoño, MM Rios, GH Kattan
The Condor 109 (4), 841-851, 2007
Nesting records of five antbird species from the Colombian Amazon
C daniel Cadena, GA Londoño, JL Parra
The Wilson Bulletin 112 (3), 313-317, 2000
Physiological evolution during adaptive radiation: A test of the island effect in Anolis lizards
JC Salazar, M del Rosario Castañeda, GA Londono, BL Bodensteiner, ...
Evolution 73 (6), 1241-1252, 2019
Use of space by a pair of Salvin’s Curassows (Mitu salvini) in northwestern Colombian Amazon
JL Parra, M Agudelo, Y Molina, G Londoño
Ornitologia Neotropical 12 (3), 189-204, 2001
Efficiency, bias, and consistency of visual and aural surveys of curassows (Cracidae) in tropical forests
I Jiménez, GA Londono, CD Cadena
Journal of Field Ornithology 74 (3), 210-216, 2003
Methods for collecting data about the breeding biology of Neotropical birds
K Fierro‐Calderón, M Loaiza‐Muñoz, MA Sánchez‐Martínez, D Ocampo, ...
Journal of Field Ornithology 92 (4), 315-341, 2021
A ‘slow pace of life’in Australian old-endemic passerine birds is not accompanied by low basal metabolic rates
C Bech, MA Chappell, LB Astheimer, GA Londoño, WA Buttemer
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186, 503-512, 2016
The birds of CIEM, Tinigua National Park, Colombia: an overview of 13 years of ornithological research
CD Cadena, M Álvarez, JL Parra, I Jiménez, CA Mejia, M Santamaría, ...
Cotinga 13, 46-54, 2000
Survival is negatively related to basal metabolic rate in tropical Andean birds
MN Scholer, P Arcese, ML Puterman, GA Londoño, JE Jankowski
Functional Ecology 33 (8), 1436-1445, 2019
Northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)
G Farnsworth, GA Londono, JU Martin, KC Derrickson, R Breitwisch
The Birds of North America Online. Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2011
Tropical montane birds have increased nesting success on small river islands
D Ocampo, GA Londoño
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 132 (1), 1-10, 2015
Environment, taxonomy and morphology constrain insect thermal physiology along tropical mountains
CA Bota‐Sierra, C García‐Robledo, F Escobar, R Novelo‐Gutiérrez, ...
Functional Ecology 36 (8), 1924-1935, 2022
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