Philippe ROUCH
Philippe ROUCH
Professeur des Universités Arts et Métiers
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The variational theory of complex rays for the calculation of medium‐frequency vibrations
P Ladevèze, L Arnaud, P Rouch, C Blanzé
Engineering Computations 18 (1/2), 193-214, 2001
Reliable protocol for shear wave elastography of lower limb muscles at rest and during passive stretching
G Dubois, W Kheireddine, C Vergari, D Bonneau, P Thoreux, P Rouch, ...
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 41 (9), 2284-2291, 2015
Accuracy evaluation of CAD/CAM generated splints in orthognathic surgery: a cadaveric study
T Schouman, P Rouch, B Imholz, J Fasel, D Courvoisier, P Scolozzi
Head & face medicine 11, 1-9, 2015
The variational theory of complex rays: a predictive tool for medium-frequency vibrations
P Rouch, P Ladevèze
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 192 (28-30), 3301-3315, 2003
Extension of the variational theory of complex rays to shells for medium-frequency vibrations
H Riou, P Ladeveze, P Rouch
Journal of Sound and Vibration 272 (1-2), 341-360, 2004
Accuracy and reliability of automatic three-dimensional cephalometric landmarking
G Dot, F Rafflenbeul, M Arbotto, L Gajny, P Rouch, T Schouman
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 49 (10), 1367-1378, 2020
Influence of the overall stiffness of a load-bearing porous titanium implant on bone ingrowth in critical-size mandibular bone defects in sheep
T Schouman, M Schmitt, C Adam, G Dubois, P Rouch
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 59, 484-496, 2016
Non-invasive biomechanical characterization of intervertebral discs by shear wave ultrasound elastography: a feasibility study
C Vergari, P Rouch, G Dubois, D Bonneau, J Dubousset, M Tanter, ...
European radiology 24, 3210-3216, 2014
Inter-lamellar shear resistance confers compressive stiffness in the intervertebral disc: an image-based modelling study on the bovine caudal disc
C Adam, P Rouch, W Skalli
Journal of biomechanics 48 (16), 4303-4308, 2015
Clinical outcomes and complications after pedicle-anchored dynamic or hybrid lumbar spine stabilization: a systematic literature review
M Prud’homme, C Barrios, P Rouch, YP Charles, JP Steib, W Skalli
Clinical Spine Surgery 28 (8), E439-E448, 2015
Automatic 3-dimensional cephalometric landmarking via deep learning
G Dot, T Schouman, S Chang, F Rafflenbeul, A Kerbrat, P Rouch, L Gajny
Journal of dental research 101 (11), 1380-1387, 2022
Definition and updating of simplified models of joint stiffness
F Gant, P Rouch, F Louf, L Champaney
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (5), 775-784, 2011
Fully automatic segmentation of craniomaxillofacial CT scans for computer-assisted orthognathic surgery planning using the nnU-Net framework
G Dot, T Schouman, G Dubois, P Rouch, L Gajny
European radiology, 1-10, 2022
Effect of shoulder model complexity in upper-body kinematics analysis of the golf swing
M Bourgain, S Hybois, P Thoreux, O Rouillon, P Rouch, C Sauret
Journal of Biomechanics 75, 154-158, 2018
A multiscale computational method for medium-frequency vibrations of assemblies of heterogeneous plates
P Ladevèze, L Blanc, P Rouch, C Blanzé
Computers & Structures 81 (12), 1267-1276, 2003
Evaluation of a patient-specific finite-element model to simulate conservative treatment in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
C Vergari, G Ribes, B Aubert, C Adam, L Miladi, B Ilharreborde, ...
Spine Deformity 3 (1), 4-11, 2015
Lumbar annulus fibrosus biomechanical characterization in healthy children by ultrasound shear wave elastography
C Vergari, G Dubois, R Vialle, JL Gennisson, M Tanter, J Dubousset, ...
European radiology 26, 1213-1217, 2016
Golf swing biomechanics: A systematic review and methodological recommendations for kinematics
M Bourgain, P Rouch, O Rouillon, P Thoreux, C Sauret
Sports 10 (6), 91, 2022
Analysis of medium-frequency vibrations in a frequency range
P Ladeveze, P Rouch, H Riou, X Bohineust
Journal of Computational Acoustics 11 (02), 255-283, 2003
Intervertebral disc characterization by shear wave elastography: an in vitro preliminary study
C Vergari, P Rouch, G Dubois, D Bonneau, J Dubousset, M Tanter, ...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of …, 2014
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Articles 1–20