Xavier Ferrer
Xavier Ferrer
Ex Lecturer Dep. of Evolutive Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Barcelona
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Do changes in climate patterns in wintering areas affect the timing of the spring arrival of trans‐Saharan migrant birds?
O Gordo, L Brotons, X Ferrer, P Comas
Global change biology 11 (1), 12-21, 2005
Atlas dels ocells nidificants de Catalunya i Andorra
J Muntaner, X Ferrer, A Martínez-Vilalta
Ketres, 1983
Historia Natural dels Països Catalans. Vol 12: Ocells
X Ferrer, A Martínez-Vilalta, J Muntaner
Enciclopèdia Catalana Barcelona, 1986
European Atlantic: the hottest oil spill hotspot worldwide
DR Vieites, S Nieto-Román, A Palanca, X Ferrer, M Vences
Naturwissenschaften 91, 535-538, 2004
Habitat use by loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta off the coast of eastern Spain results in a high vulnerability to neritic fishing gear
L Cardona, M Revelles, ML Parga, J Tomás, A Aguilar, F Alegre, A Raga, ...
Marine Biology 156, 2621-2630, 2009
Living on predictability: modelling the density distribution of efficient foraging seabirds
A Cama, R Abellana, I Christel, X Ferrer, DR Vieites
Ecography 35 (10), 912-921, 2012
Ecological consequences of human depopulation of rural areas on wildlife: A unifying perspective
A Martínez-Abraín, J Jiménez, I Jiménez, X Ferrer, L Llaneza, M Ferrer, ...
Biological Conservation 252, 108860, 2020
Foraging movements of Audouin’s gull (Larus audouinii) in the Ebro Delta, NW Mediterranean: a preliminary satellite-tracking study
I Christel, J Navarro, M del Castillo, A Cama, X Ferrer
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 96, 257-261, 2012
Seasonal climatic niches diverge in migratory birds
R Ponti, A Arcones, X Ferrer, DR Vieites
Ibis 162 (2), 318-330, 2020
Development of an urban bird indicator: using data from monitoring schemes in two large European cities
S Herrando, A Weiserbs, J Quesada Lara, X Ferrer i Parareda, JI Paquet
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 2012, vol. 35, num. 1, p. 141-150, 2012
Changes in the breeding range of starlings in the Iberian Peninsula during the last 30 years: competition as a limiting factor
X Ferrer, A Motis, SJ Peris
Journal of Biogeography, 631-636, 1991
Distribució i ecologia dels macròfits submergits del delta de l'Ebre
X Ferrer, C F.
Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural, 1999
Bias in avian sampling effort due to human preferences: an analysis with Catalonian birds (1900–2002)
X Ferrer, LM Carrascal, Ó Gordo, J Pino
Ardeola 53 (2), 213-227, 2006
Respuesta de los patos invernantes en España a diferentes condiciones ambientales
JA Amat, X Ferrer
Ardeola 35 (1), 59-70, 1988
The effects of mowing and agricultural landscape management on population movements of the common quail
JD Rodríguez‐Teijeiro, F Sardà‐Palomera, J Nadal, X Ferrer, C Ponz, ...
Journal of Biogeography 36 (10), 1891-1898, 2009
Nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología
F Bernis, E De Juana, J del Hoyo, X Ferrer, MF Cruz, R Sáez-Royuela, ...
Ardeola 41 (1), 78-89, 1994
Nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología
E De Juana, J Del Hoyo, M Fernández-Cruz, X Ferrer, R Sáez-Royuela, ...
Ardeola 59 (1), 157-165, 2012
Invernada de láridos en el litoral mediterráneo catalán y levantino
E Carrera, X Ferrer, A Martínez, J Muntaner
Ardeola 28, 35-50, 1981
Introducció ornitològica al delta de l’Ebre
X Ferrer
Sistemes Naturals del Delta de l’Ebre. Treb. Inst. Cat. Hist. Nat 8, 227-302, 1977
Lack of evidence of a Pleistocene migratory switch in current bird long‐distance migrants between Eurasia and Africa
R Ponti, A Arcones, X Ferrer, DR Vieites
Journal of Biogeography 47 (7), 1564-1573, 2020
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Articles 1–20