Luc Perreault
Luc Perreault
Reseacher, Hydro-Québec Resarch Institute
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Multivariate hydrological frequency analysis using copulas
AC Favre, S El Adlouni, L Perreault, N Thiémonge, B Bobée
Water resources research 40 (1), 2004
Bayesian change-point analysis in hydrometeorological time series. Part 1. The normal model revisited
L Perreault, J Bernier, B Bobée, E Parent
Journal of Hydrology 235 (3-4), 221-241, 2000
Volcano-induced regime shifts in millennial tree-ring chronologies from northeastern North America
F Gennaretti, D Arseneault, A Nicault, L Perreault, Y Bégin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (28), 10077-10082, 2014
Bayesian change-point analysis in hydrometeorological time series. Part 2. Comparison of change-point models and forecasting
L Perreault, J Bernier, B Bobée, E Parent
Journal of Hydrology 235 (3-4), 242-263, 2000
The use of geometric and gamma-related distributions for frequency analysis of water deficit
L Mathier, L Perreault, B Bobée, F Ashkar
Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 6 (4), 239-254, 1992
Hydro-economic assessment of hydrological forecasting systems
MA Boucher, D Tremblay, L Delorme, L Perreault, F Anctil
Journal of Hydrology 416, 133-144, 2012
Detection of changes in precipitation and runoff over eastern Canada and US using a Bayesian approach
L Perreault, M Haché, M Slivitzky, B Bobée
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 13, 201-216, 1999
Retrospective multivariate Bayesian change-point analysis: A simultaneous single change in the mean of several hydrological sequences
L Perreault, E Parent, J Bernier, B Bobee, M Slivitzky
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 14, 243-261, 2000
Retrospective analysis and forecasting of streamflows using a shifting level model
V Fortin, L Perreault, JD Salas
Journal of hydrology 296 (1-4), 135-163, 2004
Halphen distribution system. I: Mathematical and statistical properties
L Perreault, B Bobée, PF Rasmussen
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 4 (3), 189-199, 1999
Two‐component mixtures of normal, gamma, and Gumbel distributions for hydrological applications
G Evin, J Merleau, L Perreault
Water Resources Research 47 (8), 2011
Tools for the assessment of hydrological ensemble forecasts obtained by neural networks
MA Boucher, L Perreault, F Anctil
Journal of Hydroinformatics 11 (3-4), 297-307, 2009
A comparison between ensemble and deterministic hydrological forecasts in an operational context
MA Boucher, F Anctil, L Perreault, D Tremblay
Advances in Geosciences 29, 85-94, 2011
Effect of natural dissolved organic matter found in groundwater on soil adsorption and transport of pentachlorophenol
P Lafrance, L Marineau, L Perreault, JP Villeneuve
Environmental science & technology 28 (13), 2314-2320, 1994
Two kinds of moment ratio diagrams and their applications in hydrology
B Bobée, L Perreault, F Ashkar
Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 7, 41-65, 1993
Halphen distribution system. II: Parameter and quantile estimation
L Perreault, B Bobée, PF Rasmussen
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 4 (3), 200-208, 1999
Verification of ECMWF System 4 for seasonal hydrological forecasting in a northern climate
R Bazile, MA Boucher, L Perreault, R Leconte
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (11), 5747-5762, 2017
Hydrological reconstruction from tree-ring multi-proxies over the last two centuries at the Caniapiscau Reservoir, northern Québec, Canada
A Nicault, E Boucher, C Bégin, J Guiot, J Marion, L Perreault, R Roy, ...
Journal of hydrology 513, 435-445, 2014
Exploratory analysis of statistical post‐processing methods for hydrological ensemble forecasts
MA Boucher, L Perreault, F Anctil, AC Favre
Hydrological Processes 29 (6), 1141-1155, 2015
Streamflow variability over the 1881–2011 period in northern Québec: comparison of hydrological reconstructions based on tree rings and geopotential height field reanalysis
P Brigode, F Brissette, A Nicault, L Perreault, A Kuentz, T Mathevet, ...
Climate of the Past 12 (9), 1785-1804, 2016
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Articles 1–20