Rakshit Trivedi
Cited by
Cited by
Recurrent marked temporal point processes: Embedding event history to vector
N Du, H Dai, R Trivedi, U Upadhyay, M Gomez-Rodriguez, L Song
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2016
Dyrep: Learning representations over dynamic graphs
R Trivedi, M Farajtabar, P Biswal, H Zha
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2019
Know-evolve: Deep temporal reasoning for dynamic knowledge graphs
R Trivedi, H Dai, Y Wang, L Song
international conference on machine learning, 3462-3471, 2017
Fake news mitigation via point process based intervention
M Farajtabar, J Yang, X Ye, H Xu, R Trivedi, E Khalil, S Li, L Song, H Zha
International conference on machine learning, 1097-1106, 2017
Deep coevolutionary network: Embedding user and item features for recommendation
H Dai, Y Wang, R Trivedi, L Song
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.03675, 2016
Deep mean field games for learning optimal behavior policy of large populations
J Yang, X Ye, R Trivedi, H Xu, H Zha
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2018
Coevolutionary latent feature processes for continuous-time user-item interactions
Y Wang, N Du, R Trivedi, L Song
Advances in neural information processing systems 29, 2016
Linknbed: Multi-graph representation learning with entity linkage
R Trivedi, B Sisman, J Ma, C Faloutsos, H Zha, XL Dong
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.08447, 2018
Discourse connectors for latent subjectivity in sentiment analysis
R Trivedi, J Eisenstein
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the …, 2013
Adaptive Incentive Design with Multi-Agent Meta-Gradient Reinforcement Learning
J Yang, E Wang, R Trivedi, T Zhao, H Zha
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2022
Graphopt: Learning optimization models of graph formation
R Trivedi, J Yang, H Zha
International Conference on Machine Learning, 9603-9613, 2020
Temporal dynamics-aware adversarial attacks on discrete-time dynamic graph models
K Sharma, R Trivedi, R Sridhar, S Kumar
Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and …, 2023
Codd: Constructing dataless databases
RS Trivedi, I Nilavalagan, JR Haritsa
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Testing Database Systems, 1-6, 2012
Tweeting about journal articles: Engagement, marketing or just gibberish?
N Robinson-Garcia, R Trivedi, R Costas, K Isett, J Melkers, D Hicks
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.06675, 2017
CrowdPlay: Crowdsourcing Human Demonstrations for Offline Learning
M Gerstgrasser, R Trivedi, DC Parkes
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021
Learning Strategic Network Emergence Games
R Trivedi, H Zha
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 2020
Societal impact metrics for non-patentable research in dentistry
D Hicks, K Isett, J Melkers, L Song, R Trivedi
21st International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators-STI 2016 …, 2016
Know-evolve: Deep reasoning in temporal knowledge graphs
R Trivedi, H Dai, Y Wang, L Song
CoRR, 0
Diffuse, Sample, Project: Plug-And-Play Controllable Graph Generation
K Sharma, S Kumar, R Trivedi
Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024
Normative Modules: A Generative Agent Architecture for Learning Norms that Supports Multi-Agent Cooperation
A Sarkar, AI Muresanu, C Blair, A Sharma, RS Trivedi, GK Hadfield
arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.19328, 2024
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Articles 1–20