Martín Garbulsky
Martín Garbulsky
IFEVA - CONICET, Facultad de Agronomía - Universidad de Buenos Aires
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The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and the remote sensing of leaf, canopy and ecosystem radiation use efficiencies: A review and meta-analysis
MF Garbulsky, J Peñuelas, J Gamon, Y Inoue, I Filella
Remote sensing of environment 115 (2), 281-297, 2011
Evidence of current impact of climate change on life: a walk from genes to the biosphere
J Peñuelas, J Sardans, M Estiarte, R Ogaya, J Carnicer, M Coll, A Barbeta, ...
Global change biology 19 (8), 2303-2338, 2013
Patterns and controls of the variability of radiation use efficiency and primary productivity across terrestrial ecosystems
MF Garbulsky, J Peñuelas, D Papale, J Ardö, ML Goulden, G Kiely, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 19 (2), 253-267, 2010
PRI assessment of long-term changes in carotenoids/chlorophyll ratio and short-term changes in de-epoxidation state of the xanthophyll cycle
I Filella, A Porcar-Castell, S Munné-Bosch, J Bäck, MF Garbulsky, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 30 (17), 4443-4455, 2009
Remote estimation of carbon dioxide uptake by a Mediterranean forest
MF Garbulsky, J Peñuelas, D Papale, I Filella
Global Change Biology 14 (12), 2860-2867, 2008
Photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and remote sensing of plant CO2 uptake.
J Peñuelas, MF Garbulsky, I Filella
New Phytologist 191 (3), 2011
Regional scale relationships between ecosystem structure and functioning: the case of the Patagonian steppes
JM Paruelo, RA Golluscio, JP Guerschman, A Cesa, VV Jouve, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 13 (5), 385-395, 2004
Forestación en pastizales: hacia una visión integral de sus oportunidades y costos ecológicos
EG Jobbágy, M Vasallo, KA Farley, G Pineiro, MF Garbulsky, MD Nosetto, ...
Agrociencia Uruguay 10 (2), 109-124, 2006
Two decades of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index changes in South America: identifying the imprint of global change
JM Paruelo, MF Garbulsky, JP Guerschman, EG Jobbágy
International Journal of Remote Sensing 25 (14), 2793-2806, 2004
Animal habitat quality and ecosystem functioning: exploring seasonal patterns using NDVI
T Wiegand, J Naves, MF Garbulsky, N Fernández
Ecological Monographs 78 (1), 87-103, 2008
Affecting factors and recent improvements of the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) for remotely sensing foliar, canopy and ecosystemic radiation-use efficiencies
C Zhang, I Filella, MF Garbulsky, J Peñuelas
Remote Sensing 8 (9), 677, 2016
Remote sensing of protected areas to derive baseline vegetation functioning characteristics
MF Garbulsky, JM Paruelo
Journal of Vegetation Science 15 (5), 711-720, 2004
Análisis de la dinámica temporal del NDVI en áreas protegidas: tres casos de estudio a distintas escalas espaciales, temporales y de gestión.
D Alcaraz-Segura, G Baldi, P Durante, MF Garbulsky
Ecosistemas 17 (3), 2008
Can temporal and spatial NDVI predict regional bird-species richness?
S Nieto, P Flombaum, MF Garbulsky
Global Ecology and Conservation 3, 729-735, 2015
Photosynthetic light use efficiency from satellite sensors: From global to Mediterranean vegetation
MF Garbulsky, I Filella, A Verger, J Peñuelas
Environmental and experimental botany 103, 3-11, 2014
Las comunidades potenciales del pastizal pampeano bonaerense.
SE Burkart, MF Garbulsky, CM Ghersa, JP Guerschman, RJC León, ...
Temporal trends in the enhanced vegetation index and spring weather predict seed production in Mediterranean oaks
M Fernández-Martínez, M Garbulsky, J Peñuelas, G Peguero, JM Espelta
Plant Ecology 216 (8), 1061-1072, 2015
Leaf and stand-level carbon uptake of a Mediterranean forest estimated using the satellite-derived reflectance indices EVI and PRI
MF Garbulsky, J Peñuelas, R Ogaya, I Filella
International journal of remote sensing 34 (4), 1282-1296, 2013
Mapeo indirecto de la vegetación de Sierra de la Ventana, provincia de Buenos Aires
JM Lizzi, VA M.F. Garbulsky, Golluscio, R.A. y Deregibus
Ecología austral 17, 217-230, 2007
Grassland afforestation impact on primary productivity: a remote sensing approach
MM Vassallo, HD Dieguez, MF Garbulsky, EG Jobbágy, JM Paruelo
Applied Vegetation Science 16 (3), 390-403, 2013
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Articles 1–20