Satyajayant "Jay" Misra
Satyajayant "Jay" Misra
Professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Mexico State University
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Cited by
Smart grid—The new and improved power grid: A survey
X Fang, S Misra, G Xue, D Yang
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 14 (4), 944-980, 2011
A survey of multimedia streaming in wireless sensor networks
S Misra, M Reisslein, G Xue
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 10 (4), 18-39, 2008
Security, privacy, and access control in information-centric networking: A survey
R Tourani, S Misra, T Mick, G Panwar
IEEE Communications on Surveys and Tutorials (COMST) 20 (1), 566-600, 2018
Secure content delivery in information-centric networks: Design, implementation, and analyses
S Misra, R Tourani, NE Majd
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Information-centric …, 2013
PACP: An efficient pseudonymous authentication-based conditional privacy protocol for VANETs
D Huang, S Misra, M Verma, G Xue
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 12 (3), 736-746, 2011
Fault-tolerant relay node placement in wireless sensor networks: Problems and algorithms
W Zhang, G Xue, S Misra
IEEE INFOCOM 2007-26th IEEE International Conference on Computer …, 2007
Constrained relay node placement in wireless sensor networks: Formulation and approximations
S Misra, SD Hong, G Xue, J Tang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on networking 18 (2), 434-447, 2009
Constrained relay node placement in wireless sensor networks to meet connectivity and survivability requirements
S Misra, SD Hong, G Xue, J Tang
IEEE INFOCOM 2008-The 27th Conference on Computer Communications, 281-285, 2008
Two-tiered constrained relay node placement in wireless sensor networks: Computational complexity and efficient approximations
D Yang, S Misra, X Fang, G Xue, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 11 (8), 1399-1411, 2011
Managing smart grid information in the cloud: opportunities, model, and applications
X Fang, S Misra, G Xue, D Yang
IEEE network 26 (4), 32-38, 2012
Joint spectrum allocation and scheduling for fair spectrum sharing in cognitive radio wireless networks
J Tang, S Misra, G Xue
Computer networks 52 (11), 2148-2158, 2008
LASeR: Lightweight Authentication and Secured Routing for NDN IoT in Smart Cities
T Mick, R Tourani, S Misra
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (2), 755-764, 2018
Efficient anonymity schemes for clustered wireless sensor networks
S Misra, G Xue
International Journal of Sensor Networks 1 (1-2), 50-63, 2006
ICedge: When Edge Computing Meets Information-Centric Networking
S Mastorakis, A Mtibaa, J Lee, S Misra
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2020
Energy-efficient and distributed network management cost minimization in opportunistic wireless body area networks
A Samanta, S Misra
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 17 (2), 376-389, 2017
Blockchain at the edge: Performance of resource-constrained IoT networks
S Misra, A Mukherjee, A Roy, N Saurabh, Y Rahulamathavan, ...
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 32 (1), 174-183, 2020
An ant swarm-inspired energy-aware routing protocol for wireless ad-hoc networks
S Misra, SK Dhurandher, MS Obaidat, P Gupta, K Verma, P Narula
Journal of systems and software 83 (11), 2188-2199, 2010
Game-theoretic topology controlfor opportunistic localization in sparse underwater sensor networks
S Misra, T Ojha, A Mondal
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 14 (5), 990-1003, 2014
AccConF: An Access Control Framework for Leveraging In-network Cached Data in the ICN-Enabled Wireless Edge
S Misra, R Tourani, F Natividad, T Mick, NE Majd, H Huang
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2017
A learning automata-based fault-tolerant routing algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks
S Misra, PV Krishna, A Bhiwal, AS Chawla, BE Wolfinger, C Lee
The Journal of Supercomputing 62, 4-23, 2012
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Articles 1–20