Pierre Legagneux
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Cited by
Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems
U Brose, P Archambault, AD Barnes, LF Bersier, T Boy, J Canning-Clode, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 3 (6), 919-927, 2019
Long-term monitoring at multiple trophic levels suggests heterogeneity in responses to climate change in the Canadian Arctic tundra
G Gauthier, J Bêty, MC Cadieux, P Legagneux, M Doiron, C Chevallier, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
Our house is burning: discrepancy in climate change vs biodiversity coverage in the media as compared to scientific literature
P Legagneux, N Casajus, K Cazelles, C Chevallier, M Chevrinais, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5, 175, 2018
Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment
PANEWG AE Bates, RB Primack, CM Duarte
Biological Conservation 109175, 2021
No complexity–stability relationship in empirical ecosystems
C Jacquet, C Moritz, L Morissette, P Legagneux, F Massol, P Archambault, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12573, 2016
Disentangling trophic relationships in a High Arctic tundra ecosystem through food web modeling
P Legagneux, G Gauthier, D Berteaux, J Bêty, MC Cadieux, F Bilodeau, ...
Ecology 93 (7), 1707-1716, 2012
Arctic ecosystem structure and functioning shaped by climate and herbivore body size
P Legagneux, G Gauthier, N Lecomte, NM Schmidt, D Reid, MC Cadieux, ...
Nature Climate Change 4 (5), 379-383, 2014
European birds adjust their flight initiation distance to road speed limits
P Legagneux, S Ducatez
Biology letters 9 (5), 20130417, 2013
The tundra food web of Bylot Island in a changing climate and the role of exchanges between ecosystems
G Gauthier, D Berteaux, J Bêty, A Tarroux, JF Therrien, L McKinnon, ...
Ecoscience 18 (3), 223-235, 2011
Manipulating individual state during migration provides evidence for carry-over effects modulated by environmental conditions
P Legagneux, PLF Fast, G Gauthier, J Bêty
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1730), 876-883, 2012
Feather corticosterone reveals effect of moulting conditions in the autumn on subsequent reproductive output and survival in an Arctic migratory bird
NJ Harms, P Legagneux, HG Gilchrist, J Bêty, OP Love, MR Forbes, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1800), 20142085, 2015
Terrestrial arthropod abundance and phenology in the Canadian Arctic: modelling resource availability for Arctic-nesting insectivorous birds
E Bolduc, N Casajus, P Legagneux, L McKinnon, HG Gilchrist, M Leung, ...
The Canadian Entomologist 145 (2), 155-170, 2013
Variation in home-range size and movements of wintering dabbling ducks
P Legagneux, C Blaize, F Latraube, J Gautier, V Bretagnolle
Journal of Ornithology 150, 183-193, 2009
High risk of lead contamination for scavengers in an area with high moose hunting success
P Legagneux, P Suffice, JS Messier, F Lelievre, JA Tremblay, ...
PLoS One 9 (11), e111546, 2014
Does feather corticosterone reflect individual quality or external stress in arctic-nesting migratory birds?
P Legagneux, NJ Harms, G Gauthier, O Chastel, HG Gilchrist, G Bortolotti, ...
PLoS One 8 (12), e82644, 2013
Geographical and temporal patterns in the diet of pintail Anas acuta, wigeon Anas penelope, mallard Anas platyrhynchos and teal Anas crecca in the Western …
L Dessborn, AL Brochet, J Elmberg, P Legagneux, M Gauthier-Clerc, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 57, 1119-1129, 2011
Broad‐scale satellite N ormalized D ifference V egetation I ndex data predict plant biomass and peak date of nitrogen concentration in A rctic tundra vegetation
M Doiron, P Legagneux, G Gauthier, E Lévesque
Applied Vegetation Science 16 (2), 343-351, 2013
Predator‐mediated negative effects of overabundant snow geese on arctic‐nesting shorebirds
JF Lamarre, P Legagneux, G Gauthier, ET Reed, J Bêty
Ecosphere 8 (5), e01788, 2017
Pre-breeding energetic management in a mixed-strategy breeder
HL Hennin, P Legagneux, J Bêty, TD Williams, H Grant Gilchrist, ...
Oecologia 177, 235-243, 2015
Predation risk constrains the plasticity of foraging behaviour in teals, Anas crecca: a flyway-level circumannual approach
M Guillemain, C Arzel, P Legagneux, J Elmberg, H Fritz, M Lepley, C Pin, ...
Animal Behaviour 73 (5), 845-854, 2007
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Articles 1–20