Marouane ALMA
Marouane ALMA
Maître de conférences, Université de Lorraine
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Cited by
Adaptive regulation—rejection of unknown multiple narrow band disturbances (a review on algorithms and applications)
ID Landau, M Alma, A Constantinescu, JJ Martinez, M Noë
Control Engineering Practice 19 (10), 1168-1181, 2011
New unified H∞ dynamic observer design for linear systems with unknown inputs
N Gao, M Darouach, H Voos, M Alma
Automatica 65, 43-52, 2016
Adaptive feedforward compensation algorithms for active vibration control with mechanical coupling
ID Landau, M Alma, TB Airimitoaie
Automatica 47 (10), 2185-2196, 2011
Adaptive observers design for a class of linear descriptor systems
M Alma, M Darouach
Automatica 50 (2), 578-583, 2014
Adaptive suppression of multiple time-varying unknown vibrations using an inertial actuator
ID Landau, M Alma, JJ Martinez, G Buche
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 19 (6), 1327-1338, 2010
Design and tuning of reduced order h-infinity feedforward compensators for active vibration control
M Alma, JJ Martinez, ID Landau, G Buche
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 20 (2), 554-561, 2011
Functional observers design for descriptor systems via LMI: Continuous and discrete-time cases
M Darouach, F Amato, M Alma
Automatica 86, 216-219, 2017
Adaptive control of aerial manipulation vehicle
S Kannan, M Alma, MA Olivares-Mendez, H Voos
2014 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and …, 2014
IIR Youla–Kucera parameterized adaptive feedforward compensators for active vibration control with mechanical coupling
ID Landau, TB Airimiţoaie, M Alma
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 21 (3), 765-779, 2012
A Youla–Kucera parametrized adaptive feedforward compensator for active vibration control with mechanical coupling
ID Landau, TB Airimiţoaie, M Alma
Automatica 48 (9), 2152-2158, 2012
Adaptive regulation-Rejection of unknown multiple narrow band disturbances
ID Landau, A Constantinescu, M Alma
2009 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 1056-1065, 2009
Generalized dynamic observers for quasi‐LPV systems with unmeasurable scheduling functions
AJ Pérez‐Estrada, GL Osorio‐Gordillo, M Darouach, M Alma, ...
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 28 (17), 5262-5278, 2018
A discrete‐time nonlinear state observer for the anaerobic digestion process
K Chaib Draa, A Zemouche, M Alma, H Voos, M Darouach
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 29 (5), 1279-1301, 2019
H∞ generalized dynamic unknown inputs observer design for discrete LPV systems. Application to wind turbine
AJ Pérez-Estrada, GL Osorio-Gordillo, M Alma, M Darouach, ...
European Journal of Control 44, 40-49, 2018
Adaptive oberver design for linear descriptor systems
M Alma, H Souley Ali, M Darouach
American Control Conference, ACC 2018, 5144-5149, 2018
Robust estimation and automatic controller tuning in vibration control of time varying harmonic disturbances
CE Kinney, H Fang, RA de Callafon, M Alma
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 5401-5406, 2011
Adaptive feedforward compensation algorithms for AVC systems in the presence of a feedback controller
M Alma, ID Landau, TB Airimitoaie
Automatica 48 (5), 982-985, 2012
Improving playability of Blu-ray disc drives by using adaptive suppression of repetitive disturbances
JJ Martinez, M Alma
Automatica 48 (4), 638-644, 2012
A nonlinear observer-based trajectory tracking method applied to an anaerobic digestion process
KC Draa, A Zemouche, M Alma, H Voos, M Darouach
Journal of Process Control 75, 120-135, 2019
LMI-based Hnonlinear state observer design for anaerobic digestion model
KC Draa, H Voos, M Alma, A Zemouche, M Darouach
2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 678-683, 2017
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Articles 1–20