David P. Schneider
David P. Schneider
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado
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Warming of the Antarctic ice-sheet surface since the 1957 International Geophysical Year
EJ Steig, DP Schneider, SD Rutherford, ME Mann, JC Comiso, ...
Nature 457 (7228), 459-462, 2009
Recent warming reverses long-term Arctic cooling
DS Kaufman, DP Schneider, NP McKay, CM Ammann, RS Bradley, ...
Science 325 (5945), 1236-1239, 2009
Assessing recent trends in high-latitude Southern Hemisphere surface climate
JM Jones, ST Gille, H Goosse, NJ Abram, PO Canziani, DJ Charman, ...
Nature Climate Change 6 (10), 917-926, 2016
The Amundsen Sea low: Variability, change, and impact on Antarctic climate
MN Raphael, GJ Marshall, J Turner, RL Fogt, D Schneider, DA Dixon, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97 (1), 111-121, 2016
An assessment and interpretation of the observed warming of West Antarctica in the austral spring
DP Schneider, C Deser, Y Okumura
Climate Dynamics 38, 323-347, 2012
Climate response to large, high‐latitude and low‐latitude volcanic eruptions in the Community Climate System Model
DP Schneider, CM Ammann, BL Otto‐Bliesner, DS Kaufman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D15), 2009
Recent climate and ice-sheet changes in West Antarctica compared with the past 2,000 years
EJ Steig, Q Ding, JWC White, M Küttel, SB Rupper, TA Neumann, PD Neff, ...
Nature Geoscience 6 (5), 372-375, 2013
Recent Antarctic sea ice trends in the context of Southern Ocean surface climate variations since 1950
T Fan, C Deser, DP Schneider
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (7), 2419-2426, 2014
Centennial-scale climate change from decadally-paced explosive volcanism: a coupled sea ice-ocean mechanism
Y Zhong, GH Miller, BL Otto-Bliesner, MM Holland, DA Bailey, ...
Climate Dynamics 37, 2373-2387, 2011
Antarctic temperatures over the past two centuries from ice cores
DP Schneider, EJ Steig, TD van Ommen, DA Dixon, PA Mayewski, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 33 (16), 2006
Recent climate variability in Antarctica from satellite-derived temperature data
DP Schneider, EJ Steig, JC Comiso
Journal of Climate 17 (7), 1569-1583, 2004
Observed Antarctic interannual climate variability and tropical linkages
DP Schneider, Y Okumura, C Deser
Journal of climate 25 (12), 4048-4066, 2012
Ice cores record significant 1940s Antarctic warmth related to tropical climate variability
DP Schneider, EJ Steig
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (34), 12154-12158, 2008
Climate data guide spurs discovery and understanding
DP Schneider, C Deser, J Fasullo, KE Trenberth
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 94 (13), 121-122, 2013
High-resolution ice cores from US ITASE (West Antarctica): development and validation of chronologies and determination of precision and accuracy
EJ Steig, PA Mayewski, DA Dixon, SD Kaspari, MM Frey, DP Schneider, ...
Annals of Glaciology 41, 77-84, 2005
Tropically driven and externally forced patterns of Antarctic sea ice change: Reconciling observed and modeled trends
DP Schneider, C Deser
Climate Dynamics 50, 4599-4618, 2018
Antarctic sea ice climatology, variability, and late twentieth-century change in CCSM4
L Landrum, MM Holland, DP Schneider, E Hunke
Journal of Climate 25 (14), 4817-4838, 2012
Twentieth century Antarctic air temperature and snowfall simulations by IPCC climate models
AJ Monaghan, DH Bromwich, DP Schneider
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (7), 2008
Spatial and temporal variability of Antarctic ice sheet microwave brightness temperatures
DP Schneider, EJ Steig
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (20), 25-1-25-4, 2002
Determining water sources in the boundary layer from tall tower profiles of water vapor and surface water isotope ratios after a snowstorm in Colorado
D Noone, C Risi, A Bailey, M Berkelhammer, DP Brown, N Buenning, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (3), 1607-1623, 2013
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Articles 1–20