Peter Haines
Peter Haines
Geological Survey of Western Australia
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Palaeozoic synorogenic sedimentation in central and northern Australia: a review of distribution and timing with implications for the evolution of intracontinental orogens
PW Haines, M Hand, M Sandiford
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 48 (6), 911-928, 2001
Impact ejecta horizon within late Precambrian shales, Adelaide geosyncline, South Australia
VA Gostin, PW Haines, RJF Jenkins, W Compston, IS Williams
Science 233 (4760), 198-200, 1986
Cycles of nutrient trace elements in the Phanerozoic ocean
RR Large, JA Halpin, E Lounejeva, LV Danyushevsky, VV Maslennikov, ...
Gondwana Research 28 (4), 1282-1293, 2015
High-precision dating of the Kalkarindji large igneous province, Australia, and synchrony with the Early–Middle Cambrian (Stage 4–5) extinction
F Jourdan, K Hodges, B Sell, U Schaltegger, MTD Wingate, LZ Evins, ...
Geology 42 (6), 543-546, 2014
Lithostratigraphic nomenclature of the Officer Basin and correlative parts of the Paterson Orogen, Western Australia
K Grey, RM Hocking, MK Stevens, L Bagas, GM Carlsen, F Irimies, ...
Western Australia Geological Survey, Report 93, 89, 2005
Impact cratering and distal ejecta: the Australian record
PW Haines
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 52 (4-5), 481-507, 2005
The Geology of Shark Bay
PE Playford, AE Cockbain, PF Berry, AP Robderts, PW Haines, B Brooke
Geological Survey of Western Australia, 2013
Geological evolution of the Kimberley region of Western Australia
IM Tyler, RM Hocking, PW Haines
Episodes Journal of International Geoscience 35 (1), 298-306, 2012
Formation and reactivation of the Cambrian Kanmantoo Trough, SE Australia: implications for early Palaeozoic tectonics at eastern Gondwana’s plate margin
T Flöttmann, P Haines, J Jago, P James, A Belperio, J Gum
Journal of the Geological Society 155 (3), 525-539, 1998
Chronology of Quaternary coastal aeolianite deposition and the drowned shorelines of southwestern Western Australia–a reappraisal
BP Brooke, JM Olley, T Pietsch, PE Playford, PW Haines, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 93, 106-124, 2014
Problematic fossils in the late Neoproterozoic Wonoka Formation, South Australia
PW Haines
Precambrian Research 100 (1-3), 97-108, 2000
Zircons from the Acraman impact melt rock (South Australia): shock metamorphism, U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar systematics, and implications for the isotopic dating of impact events
M Schmieder, E Tohver, F Jourdan, SW Denyszyn, PW Haines
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 161, 71-100, 2015
Changes of palaeoenvironmental conditions recorded in Late Devonian reef systems from the Canning Basin, Western Australia: a biomarker and stable isotope approach
S Tulipani, K Grice, PF Greenwood, PW Haines, PE Sauer, ...
Gondwana Research 28 (4), 1500-1515, 2015
Delamerian Orogeny and potential foreland sedimentation: a review of age and stratigraphic constraints
PW Haines, T Flöttmann
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 45 (4), 559-570, 1998
Flood deposits penecontemporaneous with∼ 0.8 Ma tektite fall in NE Thailand: impact-induced environmental effects?
PW Haines, KT Howard, JR Ali, CF Burrett, S Bunopas
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 225 (1-2), 19-28, 2004
40Ar–39Ar dating of detrital muscovite in provenance investigations: a case study from the Adelaide Rift Complex, South Australia
PW Haines, SP Turner, SP Kelley, JA Wartho, SC Sherlock
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 227 (3-4), 297-311, 2004
The Carribuddy Group and Worral Formation, Canning Basin, Western Australia: stratigraphy, sedimentology, and petroleum potential
PW Haines
Geological Survey of Western Australia, Report, 2009
Storm-dominated mixed carbonate/siliciclastic shelf sequence displaying cycles of hummocky cross-stratification, late Proterozoic Wonoka Formation, South Australia
PW Haines
Sedimentary Geology 58 (2-4), 237-254, 1988
Zircon age evidence for the Late Precambrian Acraman ejecta blanket
W Compston, IS Williams, RJF Jenkins, VA Gostin, PW Haines
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 34 (4), 435-445, 1987
Depositional facies and regional correlations of the Ordovician Goldwyer and Nita Formations, Canning Basin, Western Australia, with implications for petroleum exploration
PW Haines
Geological Survey of Western Australia, Record 7, 45, 2004
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