Takahiro Hara
Takahiro Hara
Professor, Osaka University
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Localization algorithms of wireless sensor networks: a survey
G Han, H Xu, TQ Duong, J Jiang, T Hara
Telecommunication Systems 52, 2419-2436, 2013
Effective replica allocation in ad hoc networks for improving data accessibility
T Hara
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2001. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2001
A multi-objective optimization scheduling method based on the ant colony algorithm in cloud computing
L Zuo, L Shu, S Dong, C Zhu, T Hara
Ieee Access 3, 2687-2699, 2015
Data replication for improving data accessibility in ad hoc networks
T Hara, SK Madria
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 5 (11), 1515-1532, 2006
A survey on communication and data management issues in mobile sensor networks
C Zhu, L Shu, T Hara, L Wang, S Nishio, LT Yang
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 14 (1), 19-36, 2014
Replica allocation methods in ad hoc networks with data update
T Hara
Mobile Networks and Applications 8, 343-354, 2003
Mining people's trips from large scale geo-tagged photos
Y Arase, X Xie, T Hara, S Nishio
Proceedings of the 18th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 133-142, 2010
Wikipedia mining for an association web thesaurus construction
K Nakayama, T Hara, S Nishio
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2007: 8th International Conference …, 2007
Dynamic TDMA slot assignment in ad hoc networks
A Kanzaki, T Uemukai, T Hara, S Nishio
17th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2003
Path planning using a mobile anchor node based on trilateration in wireless sensor networks
G Han, H Xu, J Jiang, L Shu, T Hara, S Nishio
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 13 (14), 1324-1336, 2013
A dummy-based anonymization method based on user trajectory with pauses
R Kato, M Iwata, T Hara, A Suzuki, X Xie, Y Arase, S Nishio
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on advances in geographic …, 2012
Dummy-based user location anonymization under real-world constraints
T Hara, A Suzuki, M Iwata, Y Arase, X Xie
IEEE Access 4, 673-687, 2016
Consistency management strategies for data replication in mobile ad hoc networks
T Hara, SK Madria
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 8 (7), 950-967, 2008
Replica allocation in ad hoc networks with periodic data update
T Hara
Proceedings Third International Conference on Mobile Data Management MDM …, 2002
Replica allocation for correlated data items in ad hoc sensor networks
T Hara, N Murakami, S Nishio
ACM Sigmod Record 33 (1), 38-43, 2004
Cooperative caching by mobile clients in push-based information systems
T Hara
Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on Information and …, 2002
A user location anonymization method for location based services in a real environment
A Suzuki, M Iwata, Y Arase, T Hara, X Xie, S Nishio
Proceedings of the 18th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in …, 2010
Performance evaluation of leader–follower-based mobile molecular communication networks for target detection applications
T Nakano, Y Okaie, S Kobayashi, T Koujin, CH Chan, YH Hsu, T Obuchi, ...
IEEE transactions on Communications 65 (2), 663-676, 2016
Methods and applications of mobile molecular communication
T Nakano, Y Okaie, S Kobayashi, T Hara, Y Hiraoka, T Haraguchi
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (7), 1442-1456, 2019
A balanced energy consumption sleep scheduling algorithm in wireless sensor networks
Z Yuan, L Wang, L Shu, T Hara, Z Qin
2011 7th international wireless communications and mobile computing …, 2011
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Articles 1–20