Neo D. Martinez
Neo D. Martinez
Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology Lab and Indiana University
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Cited by
Approaching a state shift in Earth/'s biosphere
AD Barnosky, EA Hadly, J Bascompte, EL Berlow, JH Brown, M Fortelius, ...
Nature 486 (7401), 52-58, 2012
Network structure and biodiversity loss in food webs: robustness increases with connectance
JA Dunne, RJ Williams, ND Martinez
Ecology Letters 5 (4), 558-567, 2002
Food-web structure and network theory: the role of connectance and size
JA Dunne, RJ Williams, ND Martinez
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (20), 12917-12922, 2002
Simple rules yield complex food webs
RJ Williams, ND Martinez
Nature 404 (6774), 180-183, 2000
Parasites in food webs: the ultimate missing links
KD Lafferty, S Allesina, M Arim, CJ Briggs, G De Leo, AP Dobson, ...
Ecology Letters 11 (6), 533-546, 2008
Artifacts or attributes? Effects of resolution on the Little Rock Lake food web
ND Martinez
Ecological Monographs, 367-392, 1991
Consumer–resource body‐size relationships in natural food webs
U Brose, T Jonsson, EL Berlow, P Warren, C Banasek-Richter, LF Bersier, ...
Ecology 87 (10), 2411-2417, 2006
Food webs: reconciling the structure and function of biodiversity
RM Thompson, U Brose, JA Dunne, RO Hall Jr, S Hladyz, RL Kitching, ...
Trends in ecology & evolution 27 (12), 689-697, 2012
Allometric scaling enhances stability in complex food webs
U Brose, RJ Williams, ND Martinez
Ecology Letters 9 (11), 1228-1236, 2006
Trophic rank and the species-area relationship
RD Holt, JH Lawton, GA Polis, ND Martinez
Ecology 80 (5), 1495-1504, 1999
Two degrees of separation in complex food webs
RJ Williams, EL Berlow, JA Dunne, AL Barabási, ND Martinez
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (20), 12913-12916, 2002
Estimating species richness: sensitivity to sample coverage and insensitivity to spatial patterns
U Brose, ND Martinez, RJ Williams
Ecology 84 (9), 2364-2377, 2003
Network structure and robustness of marine food webs
JA Dunne, RJ Williams, ND Martinez
Marine Ecology Progress Series 273, 291-302, 2004
Constant connectance in community food webs
ND Martinez
The American Naturalist 139 (6), 1208-1218, 1992
More than a meal… integrating non‐feeding interactions into food webs
S Kéfi, EL Berlow, EA Wieters, SA Navarrete, OL Petchey, SA Wood, ...
Ecology letters 15 (4), 291-300, 2012
Limits to trophic levels and omnivory in complex food webs: theory and data
RJ Williams, ND Martinez
The American Naturalist 163 (3), 458-468, 2004
Simple prediction of interaction strengths in complex food webs
EL Berlow, JA Dunne, ND Martinez, PB Stark, RJ Williams, U Brose
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (1), 187-191, 2009
Improving food webs
JE Cohen, RA Beaver, SH Cousins, DL DeAngelis, L Goldwasser, ...
Ecology, 252-258, 1993
Predators, parasitoids and pathogens: species richness, trophic generality and body sizes in a natural food web
J Memmott, ND Martinez, JE Cohen
Journal of Animal Ecology 69 (1), 1-15, 2000
Parasites affect food web structure primarily through increased diversity and complexity
JA Dunne, KD Lafferty, AP Dobson, RF Hechinger, AM Kuris, ND Martinez, ...
PLoS Biology 11 (6), e1001579, 2013
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Articles 1–20