Michael Thom
Michael Thom
Lecturer in Evolutionary Biology
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The genetic basis of individual-recognition signals in the mouse
SA Cheetham, MD Thom, F Jury, WER Ollier, RJ Beynon, JL Hurst
Current Biology 17 (20), 1771-1777, 2007
The impact of native competitors on an alien invasive: temporal niche shifts to avoid interspecific aggression
LA Harrington, AL Harrington, N Yamaguchi, MD Thom, P Ferreras, ...
Ecology 90 (5), 1207-1216, 2009
The genetic basis of inbreeding avoidance in house mice
AL Sherborne, MD Thom, S Paterson, F Jury, WER Ollier, P Stockley, ...
Current biology 17 (23), 2061-2066, 2007
Individual recognition by scent
MD Thom, JL Hurst
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 765-787, 2004
Why are American mink sexually dimorphic? A role for niche separation
MD Thom, LA Harrington, DW Macdonald
Oikos 105 (3), 525-535, 2004
Trait-dependent declines of species following conversion of rain forest to oil palm plantations
MJM Senior, KC Hamer, S Bottrell, DP Edwards, TM Fayle, JM Lucey, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 22, 253-268, 2013
The direct assessment of genetic heterozygosity through scent in the mouse
MD Thom, P Stockley, F Jury, WER Ollier, RJ Beynon, JL Hurst
Current Biology 18 (8), 619-623, 2008
Protein turnover: measurement of proteome dynamics by whole animal metabolic labelling with stable isotope labelled amino acids
AJ Claydon, MD Thom, JL Hurst, RJ Beynon
Proteomics 12 (8), 1194-1206, 2012
The evolution and maintenance of delayed implantation in the Mustelidae (Mammalia: Carnivora)
MD Thom, DDP Johnson, DW Macdonald
Evolution 58 (1), 175-183, 2004
Baculum morphology predicts reproductive success of male house mice under sexual selection
P Stockley, SA Ramm, AL Sherborne, MDF Thom, S Paterson, JL Hurst
BMC biology 11, 1-6, 2013
MHC odours are not required or sufficient for recognition of individual scent owners
JL Hurst, MD Thom, CM Nevison, RE Humphries, RJ Beynon
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1564), 715-724, 2005
Sperm production responds to perceived sperm competition risk in male Drosophila melanogaster
JP Moatt, C Dytham, MDF Thom
Physiology & behavior 131, 111-114, 2014
The effect of familiarity on mate choice
SA Cheetham, MD Thom, RJ Beynon, JL Hurst
Chemical signals in vertebrates 11, 271-280, 2008
Female American mink, Mustela vison, mate multiply in a free-choice environment
MD Thom, DW Macdonald, GJ Mason, V Pedersen, PJ Johnson
Animal Behaviour 67 (5), 975-984, 2004
Differing effects of age and starvation on reproductive performance in Drosophila melanogaster
ER Churchill, C Dytham, MDF Thom
Scientific reports 9 (1), 2167, 2019
Female choosiness leads to the evolution of individually distinctive males
MDF Thom, C Dytham
Evolution 66 (12), 3736-3742, 2012
Exposure to sperm competition risk improves survival of virgin males
JP Moatt, C Dytham, MDF Thom
Biology letters 9 (2), 20121188, 2013
Scent, mate choice and genetic heterozygosity
MD Thom, P Stockley, RJ Beynon, JL Hurst
Chemical signals in vertebrates 11, 291-301, 2007
Spatially clustered resources increase male aggregation and mating duration in Drosophila melanogaster
ER Churchill, JR Bridle, MDF Thom
Animal Behaviour 169, 45-50, 2020
Social and physical environment independently affect oviposition decisions in Drosophila
ER Churchill, C Dytham, JR Bridle, MDF Thom
Behavioral Ecology 32 (6), 1391-1399, 2021
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Articles 1–20