Bruno Levieil
Bruno Levieil
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Numerical simulation of low-cycle fatigue behavior of welded joints for naval applications: influence of residual stresses
B Levieil, F Bridier, C Doudard, D Thevenet, S Calloch, A Ezanno
Welding in the World 61, 551-561, 2017
Naval welded joints local stress assessment and fatigue cracks monitoring with quantitative thermoelastic stress analysis
L Carteron, C Doudard, S Calloch, B Levieil, J Beaudet, F Bridier
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 110, 102792, 2020
User influence on two complementary residual stress determination methods: contour method and incremental X-ray diffraction
B Levieil, F Bridier, C Doudard, D Thevenet, S Calloch
Experimental Mechanics 56, 1641-1652, 2016
Use of infrared thermography to model the effective stress ratio effect on fatigue crack growth in welded T-joints
L Bercelli, B Levieil, C Doudard, B Malek, F Bridier, A Ezanno
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 279, 109061, 2023
An original simplified method based on the use of an adjustable localization operator for low-cycle fatigue life predictions in the case of confined plasticity
B Levieil, C Doudard, D Thevenet, F Bridier, A Ezanno, S Calloch
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 104, 102383, 2019
Taking residual stresses into account in low-cycle fatigue design using the adjustable localisation operator method
B Levieil, C Doudard, D Thevenet, F Bridier, A Ezanno, S Calloch
International Journal of Fatigue 150, 106322, 2021
Parametric method for the assessment of fatigue damage for marine shaft lines
C Guellec, C Doudard, B Levieil, L Jian, A Ezanno, S Calloch
Marine Structures 87, 103325, 2023
Extension of the adjustable localization operator method to anisotropic elasto-plastic behavior for low-cycle fatigue life prediction
JB Le Bail, B Levieil, S Moyne, C Doudard, S Calloch
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology 144 (4), 041002, 2022
Fatigue crack closure assessment by wavelet transform of infrared thermography signals
L Bercelli, B Levieil, C Doudard, S Calloch
International Journal of Fatigue 190, 108639, 2025
Improvement of the Adjustable Localization Operator identification based on the confined plasticity zone shape for multiaxial elasto-plastic cyclic predictions
E Gautier, B Levieil, S Calloch, A Ezanno, C Doudard
International Journal of Solids and Structures 262, 112077, 2023
Predicting residual stresses influence on crack initiation for low-cycle fatigue
B Levieil, C Doudard, D Thévenet, F Bridier, S Calloch
11th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture, 2016
A new adjustable localization operator method to compute local stresses and strains at notched bodies under multiaxial cyclic loading
E Gautier, B Levieil, S Calloch, C Doudard
International Journal of Fatigue 182, 108194, 2024
Stress ratio effect on fatigue crack growth assessment via thermoelastic stress analysis
L Bercelli, C Guellec, B Levieil, C Doudard, F Bridier, S Calloch
Procedia Structural Integrity 57, 437-444, 2024
Infrared imaging surface roughness criticality assessment of Wire Arc Additive Manufactured specimens
M Renault, L Bercelli, C Doudard, B Levieil, J Beaudet, S Calloch
Procedia Structural Integrity 57, 22-31, 2024
Experimental Comparison of In-Depth Residual Stresses Measured with Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction with a Numerical Stress Relaxation Correction Method
B Levieil, F Bridier, C Doudard, V Klosek, D Thévenet, S Calloch
Materials Science Forum 905, 131-136, 2017
Prise en compte des contraintes résiduelles dans le dimensionnement en fatigue oligocyclique par des méthodes simplifiées
B Levieil
Université de Bretagne occidentale-Brest, 2016
A Simple Calibration Method to Consider Plastic Deformation Influence on X-ray Elastic Constant Based on Peak Width Variation
E Gautier, P Faucheux, B Levieil, L Barrallier, S Calloch, C Doudard
Metals 14 (1), 62, 2024
Mechanical characterization of advanced welding processes applied to DH36 butt welds
B Levieil, A Paradowska, F Bridier, Z Sterjovski, S van Duin
Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics (9th: 2017: Sydney, NSW), 469-475, 2017
Taking residual stresses into account using simplified methods in low cycle fatigue
B Levieil
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Prise en compte des contraintes résiduelles dans le dimensionnement en fatigue oligocyclique par des méthodes simplifiées| Theses. fr
B Levieil
Brest, 2016
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Articles 1–20