Tina Vo
Cited by
Cited by
Impact of model‐based science curriculum and instruction on elementary students' explanations for the hydrosphere
B Baumfalk, D Bhattacharya, T Vo, C Forbes, L Zangori, C Schwarz
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 56 (5), 570-597, 2019
Fostering third-grade students’ use of scientific models with the water cycle: Elementary teachers’ conceptions and practices
T Vo, CT Forbes, L Zangori, CV Schwarz
International Journal of Science Education 37 (15), 2411-2432, 2015
Supporting 3rd-grade students model-based explanations about groundwater: A quasi-experimental study of a curricular intervention
L Zangori, T Vo, CT Forbes, CV Schwarz
International Journal of Science Education 39 (11), 1421-1442, 2017
Undergraduate Students' Scientifically Informed Decision Making About Socio-Hydrological Issues
JL Sabel, T Vo, A Alred, JM Dauer, CT Forbes
Journal of College Science Teaching 46 (6), 71, 2017
Longitudinal investigation of primary inservice teachers’ modelling the hydrological phenomena
T Vo, C Forbes, L Zangori, CV Schwarz
International Journal of Science Education 41 (18), 2788-2807, 2019
Using models scientifically
C Forbes, T Vo, L Zangori, C Schwarz
Science and Children 53 (2), 42, 2015
Developing and empirically grounding the draw-an-engineering-teacher test (daett)
T Vo, R Hammack
Journal of Science Teacher Education 33 (3), 262-281, 2022
A design process for developing agricultural life science‐focused model eliciting activities
JD Bostic, QM Clark, T Vo, LT Esters, NA Knoblach
School Science and Mathematics 121 (1), p.13-24, 2020
Supporting students’ scientific modeling when learning about the water cycle
CT Forbes, T Vo, L Zangori, C Schwarz
Science and Children 53 (2), 42-49, 2015
Supporting primary students’ developing modeling competence for water systems
CT Forbes, K Lange-Schubert, F Böschl, T Vo
Towards a competence-based view on models and modeling in science education …, 2019
Scientific models help students understand the water cycle
C Forbes, T Vo, L Zangori, C Schwarz
Science and Children 53 (2), 42-49, 2015
Impact of model-based curriculum and instruction on 3rd-grade students’ scientific explanations for the hydrosphere
B Baumfalk, D Bhattacharya, T Vo, CT Forbes, L Zangori, C Schwarz
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 56 (5), 570-597, 2019
Axes of support: Explicit to implicit and practical to epistemic
S Fick, AM Arias, T Vo, CA Sherwood, A Benedict-Chambers, A Lo
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2020
Using a Science Literacy Lens to Conceptualize Anxiety around COVID-19: Strategies for Human Services Professionals.
H Dahl, T Vo, M Huerta
Journal of Human Services 40 (1), 2021
2 (015). Studying the impact of a design intervention on 3rdgrade students’ model-based explanations for water systems
CT Forbes, L Zangori, T Vo, CV Schwarz
annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 0
Mixed-Methods-Design als Grundlage für die Entwicklung von Aufgaben zur Erfassung von Modellkompetenz von Grundschulkindern
F Böschl, S Gogolin, C Forbes, T Vo, K Lange-Schubert, A Hartinger
CCCs as epistemic heuristics to guide student sense-making of phenomena
CW Anderson, B Gane, CE Hmelo-Silver, L Mohan, T Vo
Summit for examining the potential for crosscutting concepts to support …, 2018
A Mixed Methods Comparison of Elementary Preservice Teachers’ Conceptualization of Teaching Engineering
R Hammack, T Vo
Res Sci Educ, 2021
Using Simulations to Support Undergraduate Elementary Preservice Teachers' Biological Understanding of Natural Selection.
NJ Thomas, T Vo
Bioscene: Journal of College Biology Teaching 47 (1), 29-39, 2021
Success in STEM: Diversifying our STEM Workforce by Supporting our EnglishLearner Students’ Mental Health and Academic Achievement
M Huerta, H Dahl, T Vo
Policy Issues in Nevada Education 4 (1), 1, 2021
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Articles 1–20