Juan Escos
Juan Escos
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Cited by
Variations in landscape patterns and vegetation cover between 1957 and 1994 in a semiarid Mediterranean ecosystem
CL Alodos, Y Pueyo, O Barrantes, J Escós, L Giner, AB Robles
Landscape ecology 19, 543-559, 2004
Fractal structure of sequential behaviour patterns: an indicator of stress
CL Alados, JM Escos, JM Emlen
Animal Behaviour 51 (2), 437-443, 1996
Modeling shrub encroachment in subalpine grasslands under different environmental and management scenarios
B Komac, S Kéfi, P Nuche, J Escós, CL Alados
Journal of Environmental Management 121, 160-169, 2013
Critical points in the pre-slaughter logistic chain of lambs in Spain that may compromise the animal's welfare
GC Miranda-de La Lama, M Villarroel, G Liste, J Escós, GA María
Small Ruminant Research 90 (1-3), 174-178, 2010
Quantitative characterization of the regressive ecological succession by fractal analysis of plant spatial patterns
CL Alados, Y Pueyo, ML Giner, T Navarro, J Escos, F Barroso, ...
Ecological Modelling 163 (1-2), 1-17, 2003
Complexity of behavioural sequences and their relation to stress conditions in chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus): a non-invasive technique to evaluate animal welfare
GA Marıa, J Escós, CL Alados
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 86 (1-2), 93-104, 2004
Translational and fluctuating asymmetry as tools to detect stress in stress-adapted and nonadapted plants
CL Alados, T Navarro, J Escós, B Cabezudo, JM Emlen
International Journal of Plant Sciences 162 (3), 607-616, 2001
Stress resistance strategy in an arid land shrub: interactions between developmental instability and fractal dimension
J Escos, CL Alados, FI Pugnaire, J Puigdefábregas, J Emlen
Journal of Arid Environments 45 (4), 325-336, 2000
Fractal structures and fractal functions as disease indicators
JM Escós, CL Alados, JM Emlen
Oikos, 310-314, 1995
The impact of grazing on plant fractal architecture and fitness of a Mediterranean shrub Anthyllis cytisoides L.
J Escós, CL Alados, JM Emlen
Functional Ecology 11 (1), 66-78, 1997
Association between competition and facilitation processes and vegetation spatial patterns in alpha steppes
CL Alados, P Gotor, P Ballester, D Navas, JM Escos, T Navarro, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 87 (1), 103-113, 2006
Developmental instabili
CL Alado, J ESCO
Fishery Bulletin 91, 587-593, 1993
The determinants of social status and the effect of female rank on reproductive success in Dama and Cuvier's gazelles
CL Alados, JM Escós
Ethology ecology & evolution 4 (2), 151-164, 1992
Characterization of branch complexity by fractal analyses
CL Alados, J Escos, JM Emlen, DC Freeman
International Journal of Plant Sciences 160 (S6), S147-S155, 1999
Phenotypic and genetic characteristics affecting lifetime reproductive success in female Cuvier's, dama and dorcas gazelles (Gazella cuvieri, G. dama and G. dorcas)
CL Alados, J Escos
Journal of Zoology 223 (2), 307-321, 1991
Application of the stage-projection model with density-dependent fecundity to the population dynamics of Spanish ibex
J Escos, CL Alados, JM Emlen
Canadian Journal of Zoology 72 (4), 731-737, 1994
Plant developmental instability: new measures, applications, and regulation
DC Freeman, JH Graham, JM Emlen, M Tracy, RA Hough, CL Alados, ...
Developmental instability: causes and consequences 972, 972-1027, 2003
Developmental Instability in the Pacific Hake Parasitized by Myxosporeans Kudoa spp.
J Escos, CL Alados, JM Emlen, S Alderstein
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124 (6), 943-945, 1995
Estimating mountain ungulate density in Sierras de Cazorla y Segura
J Escós, CL Alados
Mammalia 52 (3), 425-428, 1988
Ecología y comportamiento de la cabra montés: consideraciones para su gestión
CL Alados, J Escós
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, 1996
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Articles 1–20