Joost de Winter
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Using the Student's t-test with extremely small sample sizes
JCF de Winter
Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation 18, 10, 2019
Public opinion on automated driving: Results of an international questionnaire among 5000 respondents
M Kyriakidis, R Happee, JCF De Winter
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 32, 127-140, 2015
Exploratory factor analysis with small sample sizes
JCF de Winter, D Dodou, PA Wieringa
Multivariate Behavioral Research 44 (2), 147-181, 2009
Five-point Likert items: t test versus Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon
JCF de Winter, D Dodou
Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation 15, 11, 2010
Comparing the Pearson and Spearman Correlation Coefficients Across Distributions and Sample Sizes: A Tutorial Using Simulations and Empirical Data
JCF de Winter, SD Gosling, J Potter
Psychological Methods 21 (3), 273-290, 2016
Effects of adaptive cruise control and highly automated driving on workload and situation awareness: A review of the empirical evidence
JCF de Winter, R Happee, MH Martens, NA Stanton
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 27, 196-217, 2014
The Driver Behaviour Questionnaire as a predictor of accidents: A meta-analysis
JCF De Winter, D Dodou
Journal of Safety Research 41 (6), 463-470, 2010
Factor recovery by principal axis factoring and maximum likelihood factor analysis as a function of factor pattern and sample size
JCF de Winter, D Dodou
Journal of Applied Statistics 39 (4), 695-710, 2012
Social desirability is the same in offline, online, and paper surveys: A meta-analysis
D Dodou, JCF de Winter
Computers in Human Behavior 36, 487-495, 2014
Determinants of take-over time from automated driving: A meta-analysis of 129 studies
B Zhang, J de Winter, S Varotto, R Happee, M Martens
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 64, 285-307, 2019
A human factors perspective on automated driving
M Kyriakidis, JCF de Winter, N Stanton, T Bellet, B van Arem, K Brookhuis, ...
Theoretical issues in ergonomics science 20 (3), 223-249, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages of Driving Simulators: A Discussion
JCF de Winter, PM van Leeuwen, R Happee
Proceedings of the Measuring Behavior Conference, 47-50, 2012
Acceptance of driverless vehicles: Results from a large cross-national questionnaire study
S Nordhoff, J De Winter, M Kyriakidis, B Van Arem, R Happee
Journal of Advanced Transportation, 5382192, 2018
External human-machine interfaces on automated vehicles: effects on pedestrian crossing decisions
K De Clercq, A Dietrich, JP Núñez Velasco, J De Winter, R Happee
Human Factors 61 (8), 1353-1370, 2019
Review of eye-related measures of drivers’ mental workload
G Marquart, C Cabrall, J De Winter
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 2854-2861, 2015
The expansion of Google Scholar versus Web of Science: a longitudinal study
JCF de Winter, AA Zadpoor, D Dodou
Scientometrics 98, 1547-1565, 2014
User acceptance of automated shuttles in Berlin-Schöneberg: A questionnaire study
S Nordhoff, J de Winter, R Madigan, N Merat, B van Arem, R Happee
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 58, 843-854, 2018
Take-over again: Investigating multimodal and directional TORs to get the driver back into the loop
S Petermeijer, P Bazilinskyy, K Bengler, J De Winter
Applied Ergonomics 62, 204-215, 2017
Human factors of transitions in automated driving: A general framework and literature survey
Z Lu, R Happee, CDD Cabrall, M Kyriakidis, JCF de Winter
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 43, 183-198, 2016
A topology of shared control systems—finding common ground in diversity
DA Abbink, T Carlson, M Mulder, JCF De Winter, F Aminravan, TL Gibo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 48 (5), 509-525, 2018
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Articles 1–20