José Miguel Ponciano
José Miguel Ponciano
University of Florida:
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Estimating density dependence, process noise, and observation error
B Dennis, JM Ponciano, SR Lele, ML Taper, DF Staples
Ecological Monographs 76 (3), 323-341, 2006
Stability of a promiscuous plasmid in different hosts: no guarantee for a long-term relationship
L De Gelder, JM Ponciano, P Joyce, EM Top
Microbiology 153 (2), 452-463, 2007
Compensatory mutations improve general permissiveness to antibiotic resistance plasmids
W Loftie-Eaton, K Bashford, H Quinn, K Dong, J Millstein, S Hunter, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (9), 1354-1363, 2017
Evolutionary paths that expand plasmid host-range: implications for spread of antibiotic resistance
W Loftie-Eaton, H Yano, S Burleigh, RS Simmons, JM Hughes, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 33 (4), 885-897, 2016
Adaptive plasmid evolution results in host-range expansion of a broad-host-range plasmid
L De Gelder, JJ Williams, JM Ponciano, M Sota, EM Top
Genetics 178 (4), 2179-2190, 2008
Combining mathematical models and statistical methods to understand and predict the dynamics of antibiotic-sensitive mutants in a population of resistant bacteria during …
L De Gelder, JM Ponciano, Z Abdo, P Joyce, LJ Forney, EM Top
Genetics 168 (3), 1131-1144, 2004
Hierarchical models in ecology: confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and model selection using data cloning
JM Ponciano, ML Taper, B Dennis, SR Lele
Ecology 90 (2), 356-362, 2009
Replicated sampling increases efficiency in monitoring biological populations
B Dennis, JM Ponciano, ML Taper
Ecology 91 (2), 610-620, 2010
Inherent variation in stable isotope values and discrimination factors in two life stages of green turtles
HB Vander Zanden, KA Bjorndal, W Mustin, JM Ponciano, AB Bolten
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85 (5), 431-441, 2012
The population biology of bacterial plasmids: a hidden Markov model approach
JÈM Ponciano, L De Gelder, EM Top, P Joyce
Genetics 176 (2), 957-968, 2007
Coevolution of host–plasmid pairs facilitates the emergence of novel multidrug resistance
H Jordt, T Stalder, O Kosterlitz, JM Ponciano, EM Top, B Kerr
Nature ecology & evolution 4 (6), 863-869, 2020
Errors in statistical inference under model misspecification: Evidence, hypothesis testing, and AIC
B Dennis, JM Ponciano, ML Taper, SR Lele
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7, 372, 2019
Evidential statistics as a statistical modern synthesis to support 21st century science
ML Taper, JM Ponciano
Population Ecology 58, 9-29, 2016
First principles modeling of nonlinear incidence rates in seasonal epidemics
JM Ponciano, MA Capistrán
PLoS computational biology 7 (2), e1001079, 2011
The bacterial communities of Alaskan mosses and their contributions to N2-fixation
H Holland-Moritz, JEM Stuart, LR Lewis, SN Miller, MC Mack, ...
Microbiome 9, 1-14, 2021
Density‐dependent state‐space model for population‐abundance data with unequal time intervals
B Dennis, JM Ponciano
Ecology 95 (8), 2069-2076, 2014
The evolution of antibiotic susceptibility and resistance during the formation of Escherichia colibiofilms in the absence of antibiotics
JG Tyerman, JM Ponciano, P Joyce, LJ Forney, LJ Harmon
BMC evolutionary biology 13, 1-7, 2013
Assessing parameter identifiability in Phylogenetic models using Data Cloning
JM Ponciano, G Burleigh, E Braun, MLT Taper
Systematic Biology, 2012
Incorporating specific change points in catchability in fisheries stock assessment models: An alternative approach applied to the blue shark (Prionace glauca) stock in the …
F Carvalho, R Ahrens, D Murie, JM Ponciano, A Aires-da-Silva, ...
Fisheries Research 154, 135-146, 2014
Apparent survival estimation from continuous mark–recapture/resighting data
AB Barbour, JM Ponciano, K Lorenzen
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (9), 846-853, 2013
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Articles 1–20