Elisabet Marti
Elisabet Marti
PhD in Microbiology
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Occurrence of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in hospital and urban wastewaters and their impact on the receiving river
S Rodriguez-Mozaz, S Chamorro, E Marti, B Huerta, M Gros, ...
Water research 69, 234-242, 2015
The role of aquatic ecosystems as reservoirs of antibiotic resistance
E Marti, E Variatza, JL Balcazar
Trends in microbiology 22 (1), 36-41, 2014
Prevalence of antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community composition in a river influenced by a wastewater treatment plant
E Marti, J Jofre, JL Balcazar
PloS one 8 (10), e78906, 2013
Exploring the links between antibiotic occurrence, antibiotic resistance, and bacterial communities in water supply reservoirs
B Huerta, E Marti, M Gros, P López, M Pompęo, J Armengol, D Barceló, ...
Science of the Total Environment 456, 161-170, 2013
Effects on activated sludge bacterial community exposed to sulfamethoxazole
N Collado, G Buttiglieri, E Marti, L Ferrando-Climent, S Rodriguez-Mozaz, ...
Chemosphere 93 (1), 99-106, 2013
Bacteriophages as a reservoir of extended-spectrum β-lactamase and fluoroquinolone resistance genes in the environment
E Marti, E Variatza, JL Balcázar
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 20 (7), O456-O459, 2014
Removal of microbial indicators from municipal wastewater by a membrane bioreactor (MBR)
E Marti, H Monclús, J Jofre, I Rodriguez-Roda, J Comas, JL Balcázar
Bioresource technology 102 (8), 5004-5009, 2011
Prevalence of antibiotic-resistant fecal bacteria in a river impacted by both an antibiotic production plant and urban treated discharges
R Sidrach-Cardona, M Hijosa-Valsero, E Marti, JL Balcázar, E Becares
Science of the Total Environment 488, 220-227, 2014
Real-Time PCR Assays for Quantification of qnr Genes in Environmental Water Samples and Chicken Feces
E Marti, JL Balcázar
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79 (5), 1743-1745, 2013
Characterization of ciprofloxacin-resistant isolates from a wastewater treatment plant and its receiving river
E Marti, B Huerta, S Rodríguez-Mozaz, D Barceló, J Jofre, JL Balcázar
Water Research 61, 67-76, 2014
Abundance of antibiotic resistance genes and bacterial community composition in wild freshwater fish species
E Marti, B Huerta, S Rodríguez-Mozaz, D Barceló, R Marcé, JL Balcázar
Chemosphere 196, 115-119, 2018
Fate of pharmaceuticals and antibiotic resistance genes in a full-scale on-farm livestock waste treatment plant
M Gros, E Marti, JL Balcázar, M Boy-Roura, A Busquets, J Colón, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 378, 120716, 2019
Use of pyrosequencing to explore the benthic bacterial community structure in a river impacted by wastewater treatment plant discharges
E Marti, JL Balcázar
Research in microbiology 165 (6), 468-471, 2014
Multidrug resistance-encoding plasmid from Aeromonas sp. strain P2GI
E Marti, JL Balcázar
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 18 (9), E366-E368, 2012
Aeromonas rivipollensis sp. nov., a novel species isolated from aquatic samples
E Marti, JL Balcázar
Journal of basic microbiology 55 (12), 1435-1439, 2015
Brewer’s spent grain as a no-cost substrate for polyhydroxyalkanoates production: Assessment of pretreatment strategies and different bacterial strains
C Corchado-Lopo, O Martínez-Avila, E Marti, J Llimós, AM Busquets, ...
New Biotechnology 62, 60-67, 2021
Brewer’s spent grain biotransformation to produce lignocellulolytic enzymes and polyhydroxyalkanoates in a two-stage valorization scheme
J Llimós, O Martínez-Avila, E Marti, C Corchado-Lopo, L Llenas, T Gea, ...
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 12 (9), 3921-3932, 2022
Pharmaceuticals removal in an on-farm pig slurry treatment plant based on solid-liquid separation and nitrification-denitrification systems
E Marti, J Ovejero, AM Busquets Monsó, M Boy Roura, S Ponsa Salas
Waste Management, 2020, vol. 104, p. 412-419, 2020
Detection of potential infectious enteric viruses in fresh produce by (RT)-qPCR preceded by nuclease treatment
E Marti, M Ferrary-Américo, CRM Barardi
Food and environmental virology 9, 444-452, 2017
Detection of human adenoviruses in organic fresh produce using molecular and cell culture-based methods
E Marti, CRM Barardi
International Journal of Food Microbiology 230, 40-44, 2016
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Articles 1–20