Jonathan M. Palma
Jonathan M. Palma
Universidad de Talca
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Cited by
Cited by
Ricardo CLF Oliveira
CF Morais, JM Palma, ES Tognetti, RA Borges
Education 2006, 2003
An LMI approach for H2 and H∞ reduced-order filtering of uncertain discrete-time Markov and Bernoulli jump linear systems
CF Morais, JM Palma, PLD Peres, RCLF Oliveira
Automatica 95, 463-471, 2018
H2 state-feedback control for discrete-time cyber-physical uncertain systems under DoS attacks
PM Oliveira, JM Palma, MJ Lacerda
Applied Mathematics and Computation 425, 127091, 2022
Application of control theory markov systems to minimize the number of transmissions in a multi-hop network
JM Palma, LP Carvalho, APC Gonçalves, C Christian, AM Oliveira
Computer Aided System Engineering (APCASE), 2015 Asia-Pacific Conference on …, 2015
A less conservative approach to handle time‐varying parameters in discrete‐time linear parameter‐varying systems with applications in networked control systems
JM Palma, CF Morais, RCLF Oliveira
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30 (9), 3521-3546, 2020
H2 control and filtering of discrete-time LPV systems exploring statistical information of the time-varying parameters
JM Palma, CF Morais, RCLF Oliveira
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (6), 3835-3864, 2020
gain-scheduled filtering for discrete-time LPV systems using estimated time-varying parameters
JM Palma, CF Morais, RCLF Oliveira
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 4367-4372, 2018
Networked control systems application: Minimization of the global number of interactions, transmissions and receptions in multi-hop network using discrete-time markovian jump …
JMP Olate, L de Paula Carvalho, AP de Castro Golcalves, CEG Morales, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (6), 2675-2680, 2016
Minimizing the Number of Transmissions in a Multi-Hop Network for the Dynamical System Filtering Problem and the impact on the mean square error
JM Palma, LP Carvalho, AM Oliveira, APC Gonçalves, C Duran-Faundez
XII Simposio Brasileiro de Automacao Inteligente (SBAI) Natal – RN. 25 a 28 …, 2015
Robust static output-feedback control for MJLS with non-homogeneous Markov chains: A comparative study considering a wireless sensor network with time-varying PER
ARC Serafini, L Delforno, JM Palma, FH Behrens, CF Morais
Sensors 21 (19), 6420, 2021
Control design for cyber-physical uncertain systems under unreliable markovian network susceptible to denial-of-service attacks
PM Oliveira, JM Palma, MJ Lacerda
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023
A brief tutorial on quadratic stability of linear parameter-varying model for biomathematical systems
RA Lobo, JM Palma, CF Morais, LP Carvalho, ME Valle, CLFR Oliveira
2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering …, 2019
Protocol for energy-efficiency in networked control systems based on WSN
JM Palma, C Duran-Faundez, L de P. Carvalho, CF Morais, ...
Sensors 18 (8), 2590, 2018
state-feedback gain-scheduled control for MJLS with non-homogeneous Markov chains
JM Palma, CF Morais, RCLF Oliveira
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 5718-5723, 2018
Calcium-alginate-chitosan nanoparticle as a potential solution for pesticide removal, a computational approach
O Yáñez, M Alegría-Arcos, R Suardiaz, L Morales-Quintana, RI Castro, ...
Polymers 15 (14), 3020, 2023
Control design for cyber-physical systems under DoS attacks
MJ Lacerda, PM Oliveira, JM Palma
2022 IEEE International Conference on Automation/XXV Congress of the Chilean …, 2022
Output Feedback Control applied to Car Pursuit problem with lossy network
LP Carvalho, JM Palma, APC Gonçalves
Biennial Congress of Argentina (ARGENCON), 2016 IEEE, 1-6, 2016
Autonomous vehicle platoon packet based control problem under Denial-of-Service attacks
R Fuentes, PM Oliveira, LP Carvalho, MJ Lacerda, JM Palma
APCA international conference on automatic control and soft computing, 474-486, 2022
Gain-scheduled fault detection filter for discrete-time LPV systems
L de Paula Carvalho, JM Palma, TE Rosa, B Jayawardhana, ...
IEEE Access 9, 143349-143365, 2021
H2 and H∞ state-feedback control through multi-hop networks: Trade-off analysis between the network load and performance degradation
JMP Olate, L de Paula Carvalho, TE Rosa, C de Freitas Morais, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (9), 2377-2384, 2018
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Articles 1–20