Patterns of bird functional diversity on land-bridge island fragments PD Zhifeng Ding, Kenneth J. Feeley, Yanping Wang Journal of Animal Ecology, 2013 | 134 | 2013 |
Elevational pattern of bird species richness and its causes along a central Himalaya gradient, China X Pan, Z Ding, Y Hu, J Liang, Y Wu, X Si, M Guo, H Hu, K Jin PeerJ 4, e2636, 2016 | 74 | 2016 |
Elevational patterns of bird functional and phylogenetic structure in the central Himalaya Z Ding, H Hu, MW Cadotte, J Liang, Y Hu, X Si Ecography 44 (9), 1403-1417, 2021 | 57 | 2021 |
Elevational patterns of non‐volant small mammal species richness in Gyirong Valley, Central Himalaya: Evaluating multiple spatial and environmental drivers Y Hu, K Jin, Z Huang, Z Ding, J Liang, X Pan, H Hu, Z Jiang Journal of Biogeography 44 (12), 2764-2777, 2017 | 49 | 2017 |
Birds in the Himalayas: What drives beta diversity patterns along an elevational gradient? Y Hu, Z Ding, Z Jiang, Q Quan, K Guo, L Tian, H Hu, L Gibson Ecology and evolution 8 (23), 11704-11716, 2018 | 48 | 2018 |
Different responses of avian feeding guilds to spatial and environmental factors across an elevation gradient in the central Himalaya Z Ding, J Liang, Y Hu, Z Zhou, H Sun, L Liu, H Liu, H Hu, X Si Ecology and evolution 9 (7), 4116-4128, 2019 | 42 | 2019 |
Species richness patterns of vascular plants and their drivers along an elevational gradient in the central Himalayas J Liang, Z Ding, G Lie, Z Zhou, PB Singh, Z Zhang, H Hu Global Ecology and Conservation 24, e01279, 2020 | 41 | 2020 |
No evidence for the small-island effect in avian communities on islands of an inundated lake PD Yanping Wang, Meng Zhang, Siyu Wang, Zhifeng Ding Oikos, 2012 | 32 | 2012 |
Climate change, habitat connectivity, and conservation gaps: a case study of four ungulate species endemic to the Tibetan Plateau J Liang, Z Ding, Z Jiang, X Yang, R Xiao, PB Singh, Y Hu, K Guo, Z Zhang, ... Landscape Ecology 36, 1071-1087, 2021 | 24 | 2021 |
The elevational patterns of mammalian richness in the Himalayas Y Hu, J Liang, K Jin, Z Ding, Z Zhou, H Hu, Z Jiang Biodiversity Science 26 (2), 191, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
Restoration of urban waterbird diversity: A case study of the construction of a waterbird ecological corridor in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Southern China X Yang, W Liu, S Li, Z Ma, C Chen, W Gu, M Qu, C Zhang, Z Ding, Y Xu, ... Global Ecology and Conservation 39, e02277, 2022 | 16 | 2022 |
Hotspots of the waterbirds diversity in guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao greater bay area based on maxent model QQ Luo, HJ Hu, ZC Xu, ZF Ding, XT Yang, QJ Chen, CX Zhang, AY Li, ... Acta Ecol. Sinica 41, 7589-7598, 2021 | 15 | 2021 |
Bird guild loss and its determinants on subtropical land-bridge islands, China Z Ding, KJ Feeley, H Hu, P Ding Avian Research 6, 1-9, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |
Bird diversity spatial distribution patterns and hotspots in Maixiu Area of Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve, Qinghai Province J Liang, Z Ding, C Zhang, H Hu, H Duo, H Tang Biodiversity Science 25 (3), 294, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
黄腹山鹪莺的营巢特征 丁志锋, 袁玲, 朱成林, 黄进文, 郑细群, 郭向品 动物学研究 29 (3), 270-276, 2008 | 8 | 2008 |
Climate‐driven elevational variation in range sizes of vascular plants in the central Himalayas: A supporting case for Rapoport's rule J Liang, H Hu, Z Ding, G Lie, Z Zhou, PB Singh, Z Zhang, S Ji Ecology and Evolution 11 (14), 9385-9395, 2021 | 7 | 2021 |
Deterministic processes drive turnover-dominated beta diversity of breeding birds along the central Himalayan elevation gradient Z Ding, J Liang, L Yang, C Wei, H Hu, X Si Avian Research 15, 100170, 2024 | 6 | 2024 |
Patterns and drivers of phylogenetic diversity of seed plants along an elevational gradient in the central Himalayas J Liang, Z Ding, G Lie, Z Zhou, Z Zhang, H Hu Global Ecology and Conservation 47, e02661, 2023 | 6 | 2023 |
Precipitation drives species accumulation whereas temperature drives species decline in Himalayan vertebrates Y Hu, L Gibson, H Hu, Z Ding, Z Zhou, W Li, Z Jiang, BR Scheffers Journal of Biogeography 49 (12), 2218-2230, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Patterns and drivers of avian taxonomic and phylogenetic beta diversity in China vary across geographical backgrounds and dispersal abilities JC Liang, ZF Ding, CL Li, YM Hu, ZX Zhou, GW Lie, XN Niu, WB Huang, ... Zoological Research 45 (1), 125, 2024 | 5 | 2024 |