Mahesh Poudyal
Cited by
Cited by
Can REDD+ social safeguards reach the ‘right’people? Lessons from Madagascar
M Poudyal, BS Ramamonjisoa, N Hockley, OS Rakotonarivo, JM Gibbons, ...
Global Environmental Change 37, 31-42, 2016
Who bears the cost of forest conservation?
M Poudyal, JPG Jones, OS Rakotonarivo, N Hockley, JM Gibbons, ...
PeerJ 6, e5106, 2018
Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation: Trade-offs and Governance
K Schreckenberg, GM Mace, M Poudyal
Routledge, 2018
Chiefs and trees: tenures and incentives in the management and use of two multipurpose tree species in agroforestry parklands in Northern Ghana
M Poudyal
Society & Natural Resources 24 (10), 1063-1077, 2011
Ecological and economic analysis of poaching of the greater one‐horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in Nepal
M Poudyal, K Rothley, D Knowler
Ecological Applications 19 (7), 1693-1707, 2009
SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions–a political ecology perspective
CL McDermott, E Acheampong, S Arora-Jonsson, R Asare, W de Jong, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2019
Human migration to the forest frontier: Implications for land use change and conservation management
JPG Jones, R Mandimbiniaina, R Kelly, P Ranjatson, B Rakotojoelina, ...
Geo: Geography and Environment 5 (1), e00050, 2018
Leaf and fruit characteristics of Shea (Vitellaria paradoxa) in Northern Ghana
G Nyarko, G Mahunu, FA Chimsah, JA Yidana, AH Abubakari, ...
Research in Plant Biology,, 2012
Estimating welfare impacts where property rights are contested: methodological and policy implications
OS Rakotonarivo, JB Jacobsen, M Poudyal, A Rasoamanana, N Hockley
Land Use Policy 70, 71-83, 2018
Shareholder perceptions of individual and common benefits in Swedish forest commons
G Lidestav, M Poudyal, E Holmgren, C Keskitalo
International Journal of the Commons 7 (1), 2013
Ecosystem services for human wellbeing: Trade-offs and governance
G Mace, K Schreckenberg, M Poudyal
Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation: Trade-offs and Governance, 305-316, 2018
Economic incentives and poaching of the one-horned Indian rhinoceros in Nepal stakeholder perspectives in biodiversity conservation: analysis of local, national and global …
BP Adhikari, W Haider, O Gurung, M Poudyal, B Beardmore, D Knowler, ...
PREM Working paper, 2005
Constraints on Rice Cultivation in Eastern Madagascar: Which Factors Matter to Smallholders, and Which Influence Food Security?
S Dröge, M Poudyal, N Hockley, R Mandimbiniaina, A Rasoamanana, ...
Human Ecology 50 (3), 493-513, 2022
Tree tenure in agroforestry parklands: Implications for the management, utilisation and ecology of Shea and Locust bean trees in northern Ghana
M Poudyal
University of York, 2009
Mind the gap: the use of research in protected area management in Madagascar
HP Rafidimanantsoa, M Poudyal, BS Ramamonjisoa, JPG Jones
Madagascar Conservation & Development 13 (1), 15-24, 2018
Household economy, forest dependency & opportunity costs of conservation in eastern rainforests of Madagascar
M Poudyal, OS Rakotonarivo, JH Razafimanahaka, N Hockley, ...
Scientific data 5, 180225, 2018
Variation of Vitellaria paradoxa phenophases along the north-south gradient in Mali
BA Kelly, M Poudyal, JM Bouvet
Research in Plant Biology, 05-12, 2018
Modelling Shea under climate scenarios
PJ Platts, M Poudyal, CJ McClean
Report for INNOVKAR Work Package 2, 2010
Population model for the greater one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
KD Rothley, DJ Knowler, M Poudyal
Pachyderm 37, 19-27, 2004
A study of the reasons for an increase in poaching of the one-horned Indian rhinoceros in Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
M Poudyal
Simon Fraser University, 2005
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Articles 1–20