Christine Raisanen
Cited by
Cited by
Academic writing: A university writing course
LA Björk, C Räisänen
(No Title), 1997
ESP in European higher education: Integrating language and content
I Fortanet-Gómez, CA Räisänen
John Benjamins Publishing, 2008
Technologizing discourse to standardize projects in multi-project organizations: hegemony by consensus?
C Räisänen, A Linde
Organization 11 (1), 101-121, 2004
The state of ESP teaching and learning in Western European higher education after Bologna
CA Räisänen, I Fortanet-Gómez
ESP in European higher education: Integrating language and content, 11-51, 2008
The conference forum as a system of genres. A sociocultural study of academic conference practices in automotive crash-safety engineering
C Räisänen
Interactional perspective on environmental communication in construction projects
P Gluch, C Räisänen
Building research & information 37 (2), 164-175, 2009
Doing strategy in project-based organizations: Actors and patterns of action
M Löwstedt, C Räisänen, R Leiringer
International journal of project management 36 (6), 889-898, 2018
The conference forum: A system of interrelated genres and discursive practices
C Räisänen
The language of conferencing 69, 93, 2002
Social identity in construction: enactments and outcomes
M Löwstedt, C Räisänen
Construction management and economics 32 (11), 1093-1105, 2014
Informality and emergence in construction
PW Chan, C Räisänen
Routledge 27 (10), 907-912, 2009
Decoupling and standardization in the projectification of a company
I Bergman, S Gunnarson, C Räisänen
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 6 (1), 106-128, 2013
What tensions obstruct an alignment between project and environmental management practices?
P Gluch, C Räisänen
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 19 (2), 127-140, 2012
‘Playing back-spin balls’: narrating organizational change in construction
M Löwstedt, C Räisänen
Construction management and economics 30 (9), 795-806, 2012
Collaborating for content and language integrated learning: The situated character of faculty collaboration and student learning
M Gustafsson, A Eriksson, C Räisänen, AC Stenberg, C Jacobs, J Wright, ...
Across the Disciplines 8 (3), 1-11, 2011
Knowledge sharing and learning across community boundaries in an arena for energy efficient buildings
P Gluch, K Johansson, C Räisänen
Journal of Cleaner Production 48, 232-240, 2013
Striving to achieve it all: men and work-family-life balance in Sweden and the UK
AB Raiden, C Räisänen
Construction Management and Economics 31 (8), 899-913, 2013
What have we learnt from the COVID-19 global pandemic: Improving the construction industry’s abilities to foresee, respond to and recover from future endemic catastrophes
H Lingard, R Peihua Zhang, C Räisänen, Y Miang Goh, P Bowen, ...
Construction management and economics 39 (2), 192-197, 2021
The social construction of ‘green building’in the Swedish context
AC Stenberg, C Räisänen
Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 8 (01), 67-85, 2006
The Interpretative" Green" in the Building: Diachronic and Synchronic
AC Stenberg, C Raisanen
International Studies of Management & Organization 36 (2), 31-53, 2006
Stakes and struggles in liminal spaces: construction practitioners interacting with management-consultants
C Räisänen, M Löwstedt
Engineering project organization journal 4 (2-3), 123-133, 2014
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Articles 1–20