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Current developments on optical feedback interferometry as an all-optical sensor for biomedical applications
J Perchoux, A Quotb, R Atashkhooei, FJ Azcona, EE Ramírez-Miquet, ...
Sensors 16 (5), 694, 2016
Shack-Hartmann sensor based on a cylindrical microlens array
M Ares, S Royo, J Caum
Optics letters 32 (7), 769-771, 2007
Comprehensive high speed automotive SM-PMSM torque control stability analysis including novel control approach
A Arias, E Ibarra, E Trancho, R Griñó, I Kortabarria, J Caum
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 109, 423-433, 2019
Reducing the cogging torque effects in hybrid stepper machines by means of resonant controllers
A Arias, J Caum, E Ibarra, R Grino
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (4), 2603-2612, 2018
Roughness measurement of paper using speckle
A Pino, J Pladellorens, O Cusola, J Caum
Optical Engineering 50 (9), 093605-093605-5, 2011
Moving towards the maximum speed in stepping motors by means of enlarging the bandwidth of the current controller
A Arias, J Caum, R Grino
Mechatronics 40, 51-62, 2016
Progressive addition lenses power map measurement using Ronchi test techniques
J Arasa, J Caum, S Royo, A Cifuentes
Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection III 5144, 766-773, 2003
Generalized ray tracing method for the calculation of the peripheral refraction induced by an ophthalmic lens
P Rojo, S Royo, J Caum, J Ramírez, I Madariaga
Optical Engineering 54 (2), 025106-025106, 2015
Comparison of B-spline and Zernike fitting techniques in complex wavefront surfaces
M Ares, S Royo, J Caum, C Pizarro
Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IV 5856, 169-178, 2005
Measurement of the photometric distribution of light sources by deflectometric techniques
MJ Arranz, J Arasa, S Royo, J Caum
ETFA 2001. 8th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory …, 2001
Design of adaptive digital filters for phase extraction in complex fringe patterns obtained using the Ronchi test
J Caum, J Arasa, S Royo, M Ares
Journal of Modern Optics 59 (8), 721-728, 2012
Submicrometric profilometry of nonrotationally symmetrical surfaces using the Ronchi test
S Royo, J Arasa, J Caum
Laser Interferometry X: Techniques and Analysis 4101, 156-167, 2006
Optical metrology of difficult-to-access surfaces: micromeasurement of the inner profiles of diamond wiring dies
F Laguarta, I Al-Khatib, C Cadevall, J Caum
Optical Inspection and Micromeasurements II 3098, 44-52, 1997
Towards online measurement of roughness using laser speckle contrast
J Pladellorens, O Cusola, J Caum, S Royo, A Tosas, A Pino
Appita: Technology, Innovation, Manufacturing, Environment 67 (2), 140-144, 2014
Analysis and characterization of surface defects in ophthalmic lenses
JM Pladellorens, J Caum, M Tapias, C Cadevall, J Anto, X Fernandez
Surface Scattering and Diffraction for Advanced Metrology II 4780, 99-106, 2002
Peso de lentes oftálmicas asféricas
M Vera, J Caum, J Salvadó
Ver y Oir, 15-19, 1994
Revisión de la normativa en óptica oftálmica (I)
M Lupón, M Fransoy, J Martínez, J Caum, S Royo
Ver y Oir 26 (234), 162-162, 2009
Experiencias docentes para la adaptación de la tecnología óptica al espacio europeo de educación superior
J Caum, M Fransoy, M Lupón, J Martínez, S Royo
Ver y Oir 22 (199), 532-537, 2005
Application of matched digital filters to noisy fringe-patterns from complex wavefronts
J Caum, J Arasa, S Royo, M Ares
Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection IV 5856, 227-237, 2005
Puesta en marcha del taller de fabricación de lentes oftálmicas de la EUOOT
S Royo
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Articles 1–20