John McDermid
Cited by
Cited by
An automated framework for structural test-data generation
N Tracey, J Clark, K Mander, J McDermid
Proceedings 13th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software …, 1998
Towards operational measures of computer security
B Littlewood, S Brocklehurst, N Fenton, P Mellor, S Page, D Wright, ...
Journal of computer security 2 (2-3), 211-229, 1993
Software engineer's reference book
JA McDermid
Elsevier, 2013
Hierarchically performed hazard origin and propagation studies
A Pasquini, Y Papadopoulos, JA McDermid
Computer Safety, Reliability and Security: 18th International Conference …, 1999
Large-scale complex IT systems
I Sommerville, D Cliff, R Calinescu, J Keen, T Kelly, M Kwiatkowska, ...
Communications of the ACM 55 (7), 71-77, 2012
Analysis and synthesis of the behaviour of complex programmable electronic systems in conditions of failure
Y Papadopoulos, J McDermid, R Sasse, G Heiner
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 71 (3), 229-247, 2001
Safety case construction and reuse using patterns
TP Kelly, JA McDermid
Safe Comp 97: The 16th International Conference on Computer Safety …, 1997
Towards integrated safety analysis and design
P Fenelon, JA McDermid, M Nicolson, DJ Pumfrey
ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review 2 (1), 21-32, 1994
Class mutation: Mutation testing for object-oriented programs
S Kim, JA Clark, JA McDermid
Proc. Net. ObjectDays, 9-12, 2000
Automated test‐data generation for exception conditions
N Tracey, J Clark, K Mander, J McDermid
Software: Practice and Experience 30 (1), 61-79, 2000
An integrated tool set for software safety analysis
P Fenelon, JA McDermid
Journal of Systems and Software 21 (3), 279-290, 1993
Mind the gaps: Assuring the safety of autonomous systems from an engineering, ethical, and legal perspective
S Burton, I Habli, T Lawton, J McDermid, P Morgan, Z Porter
Artificial Intelligence 279, 103201, 2020
Experience with the application of HAZOP to computer-based systems
JA McDermid, M Nicholson, DJ Pumfrey, P Fenelon
COMPASS'95 Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Conference on Computer Assurance …, 1995
Ten steps towards systematic requirements reuse
W Lam, JA McDermid, AJ Vickers
Requirements Engineering 2, 102-113, 1997
Formal methods: Use and relevance for the development of safety-critical systems
LM Barroca, JA McDermid
The Computer Journal 35 (6), 579-599, 1992
On the meaning of safety and security
A Burns, J McDermid, J Dobson
The computer journal 35 (1), 3-15, 1992
Assurance cases and prescriptive software safety certification: A comparative study
R Hawkins, I Habli, T Kelly, J McDermid
Safety science 59, 55-71, 2013
The rigorous generation of Java mutation operators using HAZOP
S Kim, JA Clark, J McDermid
Informe técnico, The University of York, 1999
Software safety: where's the evidence?
JA McDermid
Proceedings of the Sixth Australian workshop on Safety critical systems and …, 2001
Life cycle support in the ADA environment
J McDermid, K Ripken
CUP Archive, 1984
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Articles 1–20