Federico Stella
Federico Stella
Donders Institute
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The entorhinal cognitive map is attracted to goals
CN Boccara, M Nardin, F Stella, J O’Neill, J Csicsvari
Science 363 (6434), 1443-1447, 2019
Superficial layers of the medial entorhinal cortex replay independently of the hippocampus
J O’Neill, CN Boccara, F Stella, P Schönenberger, J Csicsvari
Science 355 (6321), 184-188, 2017
Hippocampal reactivation of random trajectories resembling Brownian diffusion
F Stella, P Baracskay, J O’Neill, J Csicsvari
Neuron 102 (2), 450-461. e7, 2019
Replay, the default mode network and the cascaded memory systems model
K Kaefer, F Stella, BL McNaughton, FP Battaglia
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 23 (10), 628-640, 2022
Coherence between rat sensorimotor system and hippocampus is enhanced during tactile discrimination
N Grion, A Akrami, Y Zuo, F Stella, ME Diamond
PLoS biology 14 (2), e1002384, 2016
Self-organization of multiple spatial and context memories in the hippocampus
F Stella, E Cerasti, B Si, K Jezek, A Treves
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 36 (7), 1609-1625, 2012
Associative memory storage and retrieval: involvement of theta oscillations in hippocampal information processing
F Stella, A Treves
Neural plasticity 2011 (1), 683961, 2011
The self-organization of grid cells in 3D
F Stella, A Treves
Elife 4, e05913, 2015
Activity dependent feedback inhibition may maintain head direction signals in mouse presubiculum
J Simonnet, M Nassar, F Stella, I Cohen, B Mathon, CN Boccara, R Miles, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 16032, 2017
Learning to orient surfaces by self-supervised spherical cnns
R Spezialetti, F Stella, M Marcon, L Silva, S Salti, L Di Stefano
Advances in Neural information processing systems 33, 5381-5392, 2020
Hippocampal gamma and sharp wave/ripples mediate bidirectional interactions with cortical networks during sleep
R Pedrosa, M Nazari, MH Mohajerani, T Knöpfel, F Stella, FP Battaglia
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), e2204959119, 2022
Can rodents conceive hyperbolic spaces?
E Urdapilleta, F Troiani, F Stella, A Treves
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12 (107), 20141214, 2015
Grid cells on the ball
F Stella, B Si, E Kropff, A Treves
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2013 (03), P03013, 2013
Unveiling the metric structure of internal representations of space
F Stella, E Cerasti, A Treves
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 7, 81, 2013
Partial coherence and frustration in self‐organizing spherical grids
F Stella, E Urdapilleta, Y Luo, A Treves
Hippocampus 30 (4), 302-313, 2020
Heterogeneity of network and coding states in mouse CA1 place cells
M Guardamagna, F Stella, FP Battaglia
Cell reports 42 (2), 2023
Theta oscillations as a substrate for medial prefrontal-hippocampal assembly interactions
M Nardin, K Kaefer, F Stella, J Csicsvari
Cell Reports 42 (9), 2023
Learning-induced shifts in mice navigational strategies are unveiled by a minimal behavioral model of spatial exploration
CA Vallianatou, A Alonso, AZ Aleman, L Genzel, F Stella
Eneuro 8 (5), 2021
Grid maps for spaceflight, anyone? They are for free!
F Stella, B Si, E Kropff, A Treves
Cambridge University Press, 2013
Hippocampal ripples coincide with “up-state” and cortical spindles in Retrosplenial Cortex
R Pedrosa, M Nazari, L Kergoat, C Bernard, M Mohajerani, F Stella, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.12. 19.521088, 2022
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Articles 1–20