Maurici Ruiz
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Cited by
Social vulnerability assessment for flood risk analysis
L Tascón-González, M Ferrer-Julià, M Ruiz, E García-Meléndez
Water 12 (2), 558, 2020
Prácticas de análisis espacial
AG Orueta, MR Pérez, JMS Pons
Oikos-tau, 1995
A proposal for boundary delimitation for integrated coastal zone management initiatives
P Balaguer, R Sarda, M Ruiz, A Diedrich, G Vizoso, J Tintore
Ocean & Coastal Management 51 (12), 806-814, 2008
Improving Bus Service Levels and social equity through bus frequency modelling
M Ruiz, JM Segui-Pons, J Mateu-LLadó
Journal of Transport Geography 58, 220-233, 2017
Scientific management of Mediterranean coastal zone: A hybrid ocean forecasting system for oil spill and search and rescue operations
A Jordi, MI Ferrer, G Vizoso, A Orfila, G Basterretxea, B Casas, A Álvarez, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 53 (5-7), 361-368, 2006
Sediment connectivity linked to vegetation using UAVs: High-resolution imagery for ecosystem management
J Estrany, M Ruiz, A Calsamiglia, M Carriquí, J García-Comendador, ...
Science of the Total Environment 671, 1192-1205, 2019
Neighbourhood walkability and physical activity: moderating role of a physical activity intervention in overweight and obese older adults with metabolic syndrome
A Colom, S Mavoa, M Ruiz, J Wärnberg, J Muncunill, J Konieczna, G Vich, ...
Age and ageing 50 (3), 963-968, 2021
Los sistemas de bicicleta pública y la movilidad urbana sostenible. Un análisis en la ciudad de Palma (Mallorca, Islas Baleares)
JMS Pons, JM Lladó, MR Pérez, MRM Reynés
Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 2016
Automatic pedestrian network generation
MG Ballester, MR Pérez, HJ Stuiver
Developing and Implementation of Decision Support System (DSS) for the Control of Olive Fruit Fly, Bactrocera Oleae, in Mediterranean Olive Orchards
MÁ Miranda, C Barceló, F Valdés, JF Feliu, D Nestel, N Papadopoulos, ...
Agronomy 9 (10), 620, 2019
High-resolution aerial thermal imagery for plant water status assessment in vineyards using a multicopter-RPAS
J Gago, S Martorell, M Tomás, A Pou, B Millán, J Ramón, M Ruiz, ...
VII Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería y Ciencias Hortícolas: innovar y …, 2014
Designing multimedia GIS for territorial planning: the ParcBIT case
J Blat, A Delgado, M Ruiz, JM Segui
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 22 (6), 665-678, 1995
Vulnerabilidad territorial y evaluación de daños postcatástrofe: una aproximación desde la geografía del riesgo
M Ruiz Pérez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2011
Association between access to public open spaces and physical activity in a mediterranean population at high cardiovascular risk
A Colom, M Fiol, M Ruiz, M Compa, M Morey, M Moñino, D Romaguera
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (6), 1285, 2018
Vulnerabilidad territorial frente a desastres naturales: el caso de la isla de Mallorca (Baleares, España)
MR Pérez
GeoFocus. International Review of Geographical Information Science and …, 2012
Evaluación de la equidad del servicio de transporte público: El caso de Palma de Mallorca
M Ruiz, JMS Pons, JM Lladó, MRM Reynés
Estudios Geográficos 77 (281), 619-646, 2016
Prediction of potential submerged vegetation in a silted coastal marsh, Albufera of Majorca, Balearic Islands
A Martinez-Taberner, M Ruiz-Perez, I Mestre, V Forteza
Journal of environmental management 35 (1), 1-12, 1992
IoT technologies and applications in tourism and travel industries
MD Ordóñez, A Gómez, M Ruiz, JM Ortells, H Niemi-Hugaerts, C Juiz, ...
Internet of Things–The call of the edge, 341-360, 2022
La planificación de rutas de transporte escolar a través de un SIG: El proyecto SIGTEBAL
J Seguí, M Ruiz, F Guaita, F Escalas, A Bauzà
GeoFocus. International Review of Geographical Information Science and …, 2003
El problema del ruido en los entornos aeroportuarios. El caso del aeropuerto de Palma de Mallorca
MR Pérez, MRM Reynés, JMS Pons
Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 225-244, 2004
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Articles 1–20