Chris Hayot
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Cited by
Contribution of the six major gait determinants on the vertical center of mass trajectory and the vertical ground reaction force
C Hayot, S Sakka, P Lacouture
Human movement science 32 (2), 279-289, 2013
A generalized 3D inverted pendulum model to represent human normal walking
S Sakka, C Hayot, P Lacouture
2010 10th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, 486-491, 2010
Effects of ‘posture length’on joint power in cycling
C Hayot, A Decatoire, J Bernard, T Monnet, P Lacouture
Procedia Engineering 34, 212-217, 2012
Biomechanical modeling of the 3D center of mass trajectory during walking
C Hayot, S Sakka, V Fohanno, P Lacouture
Movement & Sport Sciences-Science & Motricité, 99-109, 2015
Analyse biomécanique 3D de la marche humaine: comparaison des modèles mécaniques
C Hayot
Poitiers, 2010
Muscle force strategies in relation to saddle setback management in cycling
C Hayot, M Domalain, J Bernard, A Decatoire, P Lacouture
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 16 (sup1), 106-108, 2013
Assessment of the risk and biomechanical consequences of lateral epicondylalgia by estimating wrist and finger muscle capacities in tennis players
L Vigouroux, B Goislard de Monsabert, C Hayot, P Androuet, É Berton
Sports Biomechanics 16 (4), 434-451, 2017
Measurements of tennis players’ specific forearm muscle force imbalance to assess the potential risk of lateral epicondylitis
C Hayot, L Vigouroux, J Rossi, BG De Monsabert, C Barla, E Berton
Procedia Engineering 72, 174-179, 2014
Kinematic and dynamic analysis of gait determinants theory
C Hayot, S Sakka, P Lacouture
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 14 (sup1), 153-154, 2011
Cwa 17938: Guideline for introducing and implementing real-time instrumental-based tools for biomechanical risk assessment
K Sørensen, R Fox, C Hayot, A Ajoudani, A Ranavolo, A Ringelberg, ...
Comparison of motor strategy between confirmed and professional cyclists during an incremental maximal test
J Bernard, C Hayot, A Decatoire, P Lacouture
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 15 (sup1), 220-223, 2012
Analyses cinématique et dynamique de la théorie des déterminants de la marche
C Hayot, S Sakka, P Lacouture
20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2011
Foot and ankle mechanisms are significant in reducing the energetic cost of normal human walking
C Hayot, S Sakka, P Lacouture
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 13 (S1), 65-67, 2010
A generalized 3D inverted pendulum to represent human normal walking
S Sakka, C Hayot, P Lacouture
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Articles 1–14