Martin Lindegren
Martin Lindegren
Dr Marine ecology, National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark
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The importance of benthic–pelagic coupling for marine ecosystem functioning in a changing world
JR Griffiths, M Kadin, FJA Nascimento, T Tamelander, A Törnroos, ...
Global change biology 23 (6), 2179-2196, 2017
Climate, fishing, and fluctuations of sardine and anchovy in the California Current
M Lindegren, DM Checkley Jr, T Rouyer, AD MacCall, NC Stenseth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (33), 13672-13677, 2013
Preventing the collapse of the Baltic cod stock through an ecosystem-based management approach
M Lindegren, C Möllmann, A Nielsen, NC Stenseth
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (34), 14722-14727, 2009
Making the ecosystem approach operational—Can regime shifts in ecological-and governance systems facilitate the transition?
H Österblom, A Gårdmark, L Bergström, B Müller-Karulis, C Folke, ...
Marine policy 34 (6), 1290-1299, 2010
Implementing ecosystem-based fisheries management: from single-species to integrated ecosystem assessment and advice for Baltic Sea fish stocks
C Möllmann, M Lindegren, T Blenckner, L Bergström, M Casini, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (5), 1187-1197, 2014
Predator transitory spillover induces trophic cascades in ecological sinks
M Casini, T Blenckner, C Möllmann, A Gårdmark, M Lindegren, M Llope, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (21), 8185-8189, 2012
Ecological forecasting under climate change: the case of Baltic cod
M Lindegren, C Möllmann, A Nielsen, K Brander, BR MacKenzie, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1691), 2121-2130, 2010
Biological ensemble modeling to evaluate potential futures of living marine resources
A Gårdmark, M Lindegren, S Neuenfeldt, T Blenckner, O Heikinheimo, ...
Ecological applications 23 (4), 742-754, 2013
Early detection of ecosystem regime shifts: a multiple method evaluation for management application
M Lindegren, V Dakos, JP Gröger, A Gårdmark, G Kornilovs, SA Otto, ...
PLoS One 7 (7), e38410, 2012
Coastal habitats and their importance for the diversity of benthic communities: a species-and trait-based approach
C Henseler, MC Nordström, A Törnroos, M Snickars, L Pecuchet, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 226, 106272, 2019
Temperature dependence of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) recruitment in the California Current Ecosystem revisited and revised
M Lindegren, DM Checkley Jr
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70 (2), 245-252, 2013
From traits to life‐history strategies: Deconstructing fish community composition across European seas
L Pecuchet, M Lindegren, M Hidalgo, M Delgado, A Esteban, HO Fock, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (7), 812-822, 2017
Catastrophic dynamics limit Atlantic cod recovery
C Sguotti, SA Otto, R Frelat, TJ Langbehn, MP Ryberg, M Lindegren, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1898), 20182877, 2019
Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships in fish communities: biomass is related to evenness and the environment, not to species richness
A Maureaud, D Hodapp, PD Van Denderen, H Hillebrand, H Gislason, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1906), 20191189, 2019
Global patterns in marine predatory fish
PD van Denderen, M Lindegren, BR MacKenzie, RA Watson, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (1), 65-70, 2018
Are we ready to track climate‐driven shifts in marine species across international boundaries?‐A global survey of scientific bottom trawl data
A A Maureaud, R Frelat, L Pécuchet, N Shackell, B Mérigot, ML Pinsky, ...
Global change biology 27 (2), 220-236, 2021
Regime shifts, resilience and recovery of a cod stock
M Lindegren, R Diekmann, C Möllmann
Marine Ecology Progress Series 402, 239-253, 2010
Patterns and drivers of fish community assembly in a large marine ecosystem
L Pecuchet, A Törnroos, M Lindegren
Marine Ecology Progress Series 546, 239-248, 2016
Spatio-temporal variation in marine fish traits reveals community-wide responses to environmental change
E Beukhof, TS Dencker, L Pecuchet, M Lindegren
Marine Ecology Progress Series 610, 205-222, 2019
Integrated ecosystem assessments of seven Baltic Sea areas covering the last three decades
L Bergström, R Diekmann, J Flinkman, A Gårdmark, G Kornilovs, ...
ICES Cooperative Research Reports (CRR), 2010
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Articles 1–20