Claire H. Quinn
Claire H. Quinn
Professor in Natural Resource Management, University of Leeds
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Who's in and why? A typology of stakeholder analysis methods for natural resource management
MS Reed, A Graves, N Dandy, H Posthumus, K Hubacek, J Morris, C Prell, ...
Journal of environmental management 90 (5), 1933-1949, 2009
The role of institutions in the transformation of coping capacity to sustainable adaptive capacity
R Berman, C Quinn, J Paavola
Environmental Development 2, 86-100, 2012
Participatory scenario development for environmental management: A methodological framework illustrated with experience from the UK uplands
MS Reed, J Kenter, A Bonn, K Broad, TP Burt, IR Fazey, EDG Fraser, ...
Journal of environmental management 128, 345-362, 2013
Is rainfall really changing? Farmers’ perceptions, meteorological data, and policy implications
E Simelton, CH Quinn, N Batisani, AJ Dougill, JC Dyer, EDG Fraser, ...
Climate and development 5 (2), 123-138, 2013
Assessing vulnerability to climate change in dryland livelihood systems: conceptual challenges and interdisciplinary solutions
EDG Fraser, AJ Dougill, K Hubacek, CH Quinn, J Sendzimir, ...
Ecology and Society 16 (3), 2011
Design principles and common pool resource management: An institutional approach to evaluating community management in semi-arid Tanzania
CH Quinn, M Huby, H Kiwasila, JC Lovett
Journal of environmental management 84 (1), 100-113, 2007
If you have a hammer everything looks like a nail: traditional versus participatory model building
C Prell, K Hubacek, M Reed, C Quinn, N Jin, J Holden, T Burt, M Kirby, ...
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 32 (3), 263-282, 2007
Local perceptions of risk to livelihood in semi-arid Tanzania
CH Quinn, M Huby, H Kiwasila, JC Lovett
Journal of Environmental Management 68 (2), 111-119, 2003
‘Who’s in the network?’When stakeholders influence data analysis
C Prell, K Hubacek, C Quinn, M Reed
Systemic Practice and Action Research 21, 443-458, 2008
Floristic composition, species diversity and carbon storage in charcoal and agriculture fallows and management implications in Miombo woodlands of Zambia
FK Kalaba, CH Quinn, AJ Dougill, R Vinya
Forest Ecology and Management 304, 99-109, 2013
Identifying drivers of household coping strategies to multiple climatic hazards in Western Uganda: implications for adapting to future climate change
RJ Berman, CH Quinn, J Paavola
Climate and development 7 (1), 71-84, 2015
Coping with multiple stresses in rural South Africa
CH Quinn, G Ziervogel, A Taylor, T Takama, F Thomalla
Ecology and Society 16 (3), 2, 2011
Contribution of forest provisioning ecosystem services to rural livelihoods in the Miombo woodlands of Zambia
FK Kalaba, CH Quinn, AJ Dougill
Population and Environment 35, 159-182, 2013
The future of the uplands
MS Reed, A Bonn, W Slee, N Beharry-Borg, J Birch, I Brown, TP Burt, ...
Land use policy 26, S204-S216, 2009
Anticipating and managing future trade-offs and complementarities between ecosystem services
MS Reed, K Hubacek, A Bonn, TP Burt, J Holden, LC Stringer, ...
Ecology and Society 18 (1), 2013
Perceived stressors of climate vulnerability across scales in the Savannah zone of Ghana: a participatory approach
P Antwi-Agyei, CH Quinn, SGK Adiku, SNA Codjoe, AJ Dougill, R Lamboll, ...
Regional Environmental Change 17, 213-227, 2017
Visitor perceptions of rural landscapes: A case study in the Peak District National Park, England
N Suckall, EDG Fraser, T Cooper, C Quinn
Journal of environmental management 90 (2), 1195-1203, 2009
The role of forest provisioning ecosystem services in coping with household stresses and shocks in Miombo woodlands, Zambia
FK Kalaba, CH Quinn, AJ Dougill
Ecosystem Services 5, 143-148, 2013
Knowledge management for land degradation monitoring and assessment: an analysis of contemporary thinking
MS Reed, I Fazey, LC Stringer, CM Raymond, M Akhtar‐Schuster, ...
Land Degradation & Development 24 (4), 307-322, 2013
Evidence and perceptions of rainfall change in Malawi: Do maize cultivar choices enhance climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa?
C Sutcliffe, AJ Dougill, CH Quinn
Regional Environmental Change 16, 1215-1224, 2016
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Articles 1–20