Jan Heuschele
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Cited by
The mismeasurement of sexual selection
H Klug, J Heuschele, MD Jennions, H Kokko
Journal of evolutionary biology 23 (3), 447-462, 2010
Characteristic sizes of life in the oceans, from bacteria to whales
KH Andersen, T Berge, RJ Gonçalves, M Hartvig, J Heuschele, ...
Annual review of marine science 8 (1), 217-241, 2016
Is sexual selection beneficial during adaptation to environmental change?
U Candolin, J Heuschele
Trends in ecology & evolution 23 (8), 446-452, 2008
Environment-dependent use of mate choice cues in sticklebacks
J Heuschele, M Mannerla, P Gienapp, U Candolin
Behavioral Ecology 20 (6), 1223-1227, 2009
The chemical ecology of copepods
J Heuschele, E Selander
Journal of plankton research 36 (4), 895-913, 2014
Selective silicate-directed motility in diatoms
KGV Bondoc, J Heuschele, J Gillard, W Vyverman, G Pohnert
Nature Communications 7 (1), 10540, 2016
An increase in pH boosts olfactory communication in sticklebacks
J Heuschele, U Candolin
Biology Letters 3 (4), 411-413, 2007
Adult and offspring size in the ocean over 17 orders of magnitude follows two life history strategies
AB Neuheimer, M Hartvig, J Heuschele, S Hylander, T Kiørboe, ...
Ecology 96 (12), 3303-3311, 2015
The smell of virgins: mating status of females affects male swimming behaviour in Oithona davisae
J Heuschele, T Kiørboe
Journal of plankton research 34 (11), 929-935, 2012
Instantaneous threat escape and differentiated refuge demand among zooplankton taxa
LA Hansson, G Bianco, M Ekvall, J Heuschele, S Hylander, X Yang
Ecology 97 (2), 279-285, 2016
Habitat change influences mate search behaviour in three-spined sticklebacks
J Heuschele, T Salminen, U Candolin
Animal Behaviour 83 (6), 1505-1510, 2012
Solid phase extraction and metabolic profiling of exudates from living copepods
E Selander, J Heuschele, GM Nylund, G Pohnert, H Pavia, O Bjærke, ...
PeerJ 4, e1529, 2016
Water browning influences the behavioral effects of ultraviolet radiation on zooplankton
R Wolf, J Heuschele
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6, 26, 2018
Inter-and intra-specific diurnal habitat selection of zooplankton during the spring bloom observed by Video Plankton Recorder
J Sainmont, A Gislason, J Heuschele, CN Webster, P Sylvander, M Wang, ...
Marine Biology 161 (8), 1931-1941, 2014
Context‐dependent individual behavioral consistency in Daphnia
J Heuschele, MT Ekvall, G Bianco, S Hylander, LA Hansson
Ecosphere 8 (2), e01679, 2017
Non-consumptive effects of predator presence on copepod reproduction: insights from a mesocosm experiment
J Heuschele, S Ceballos, CM Andersen Borg, O Bjærke, S Isari, ...
Marine Biology 161, 1653-1666, 2014
Eavesdropping on plankton—can zooplankton monitoring improve forecasting of biotoxins from harmful algae blooms?
A Trapp, J Heuschele, E Selander
Limnology and Oceanography 66 (9), 3455-3471, 2021
Reversed parasite-mediated selection in sticklebacks from eutrophied habitats
J Heuschele, U Candolin
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 64, 1229-1237, 2010
Predation risk potentiates toxicity of a common metal contaminant in a coastal copepod
T Lode, J Heuschele, T Andersen, J Titelman, K Hylland, K Borgå
Environmental science & technology 52 (22), 13535-13542, 2018
Genotoxic response and mortality in 3 marine copepods exposed to waterborne copper
A Sahlmann, T Lode, J Heuschele, K Borgå, J Titelman, K Hylland
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 38 (10), 2224-2232, 2019
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Articles 1–20