Carlos Flores-Vázquez
Carlos Flores-Vázquez
Other namesCarlos Flores, Carlos Flores Vásquez, Carlos Flores Vazquez
Universidad Católica de Cuenca. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya
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Cited by
Cited by
Earned value method (EVM) for construction projects: current application and future projections
M Proaño-Narváez, C Flores-Vázquez, P Vásquez Quiroz, M Avila-Calle
Buildings 12 (3), 301, 2022
Modeling and simulation of a hybrid system of solar panels and wind turbines for the supply of autonomous electrical energy to organic architectures
D Icaza, D Borge-Diez, S Pulla Galindo, C Flores-Vázquez
Energies 13 (18), 4649, 2020
Modeling, simulation and stability analysis of a low-wind turbine for the supply of energy to the Amazon Jungle and Galapagos in Ecuador
D Icaza, S Pulla, I Colak, C Flores, F Córdova
2018 7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and …, 2018
Human activity recognition from object interaction in domestic scenarios
C Flores-Vázquez, J Aranda
Ecuador Technical Chapters Meeting (ETCM), IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2016
Design of a biomechanics prosthesis for child
B Gámez, C Flores, F Cabrera, J Cabrera
Revista Ingeniería UC 23 (1), 58-66, 2016
Urban heat island mitigation through planned simulation
PE Vásquez-Álvarez, C Flores-Vázquez, JC Cobos-Torres, ...
Sustainability 14 (14), 8612, 2022
Analysis of smart energy systems and high participation of V2G impact for the Ecuadorian 100% renewable energy system by 2050
D Icaza, D Borge-Diez, SP Galindo, C Flores-Vázquez
Energies 16 (10), 4045, 2023
Projection of a Renewable Energy System for the Observatory of Extraterrestrial Life in Ecuador and Peru
FM Nova, D Icaza, A Lojano, LC Herrera, MC Herrera, C Flores
2019 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and …, 2019
Ecuadorian electrical system: Current status, renewable energy and projections
GRO Daniel Icaza-Alvarez, Francisco Jurado, Carlos Flores
Heliyon, 2023
Organic constructions and airplane type hostels in isolated places supplied with solar energy
D Icaza, C Flores-Vázquez, JC Cobos-Torres, SP Galindo
International Conference on Applied Technologies, 231-243, 2019
Operación remota de un robot móvil usando un teléfono inteligente
F Rojas de Silva, KA Trejo Ramírez
Ingenius. Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología, 29-35, 2017
Electromobility with Photovoltaic Generation in an Andean City
BP Lojano-Riera, C Flores-Vázquez, JC Cobos-Torres, D Vallejo-Ramírez, ...
Energies 16 (15), 5625, 2023
Technical development of the CeCi social robot
C Flores-Vázquez, C Angulo, D Vallejo-Ramírez, D Icaza, S Pulla Galindo
Sensors 22 (19), 7619, 2022
Developing a socially-aware robot assistant for delivery tasks
C Flores-Vázquez, CA Bahon, D Icaza, JC Cobos-Torres
International Conference on Applied Technologies, 531-545, 2019
Modulación senoidal de ancho de pulso (SPWM) como etapa de control en módulos de pequeña y gran escala, para aplicaciones en variadores de frecuencia
CA Flores Vázquez, MS Dávila Carrera
Energy Savings in Public Lighting, Reduction of Light and Atmospheric Pollution in the City of Cuenca-Ecuador
SP Galindo, D Icaza, C Flores-Vázquez
Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy …, 2021
Human activity recognition without vision tracking
CAF Vázquez, J Aranda, D Icaza, S Pulla, M Flores-Vázquez, NF Cordova
Intelligent Video Surveillance, 2018
Photovoltaic Generation Potential for Vehicles with Solar Panels
RJ Machuca-Ordoñez, C Flores-Vázquez, JC Cobos-Torres, ...
International Conference of Technological Research, 180-194, 2021
Remote operation of CeCi social robot
E Barbecho-Jimbo, D Vallejo-Ramírez, JC Cobos-Torres, C Angulo, ...
Robotics 12 (1), 19, 2023
Artistic Creations Supplied by Renewable Energy Located in the Most Attractive Mountains of Azuay. Case Study: Cultural Heritage of Quingeo
D Icaza, S Pulla Galindo, C Flores-Vázquez, F Sangurima Paute
International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology, 273-287, 2020
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Articles 1–20