Jiří Skuhrovec
Jiří Skuhrovec
Crop Research Institute
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Addenda and corrigenda to the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, volumes 7 and 8 (Curculionoidea)
MA Alonso-Zarazaga, R Caldara, A Machado, N Maughan, J Pelletier, ...
Graellsia 72 (1), e043, 2016
Technical reclamations are wasting the conservation potential of post-mining sites. A case study of black coal spoil dumps
R Tropek, T Kadlec, M Hejda, P Kocarek, J Skuhrovec, I Malenovsky, ...
Ecological Engineering 43, 13-18., 2012
Developmental Database for Phenology Models: Related Insect and Mite Species have Similar Thermal Requirements
V Jarošík, A Honek, RD Magarey, J Skuhrovec
Journal of economic entomology 104 (6), 1870-1876, 2011
Komentovaný seznam nosatcovitých brouků (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea bez Scolytinae a Platypodinae) České republiky a Slovenska1. díl. Systematika, faunistika, historie výzkumu …
S Benedikt, R Borovec, J Fremuth, J Krátký, K Schön, J Skuhrovec, ...
Klapalekiana (Supplement) 46, 1-363., 2010
The role of transgenerational effects in adaptation of clonal offspring of white clover (Trifolium repens) to drought and herbivory
APR González, V Dumalasová, J Rosenthal, J Skuhrovec, V Latzel
Evolutionary Ecology 31 (3), 345-361, 2017
Cooperative Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera Curculionoidea
MA Alonso-Zarazaga, H Barrios, R Borovec, P Bouchard, R Caldara, ...
Monografías electrónicas SEA 8 (1), 2017
Spatial and temporal changes in the abundance and compostion of ladybird (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) communities
A Honek, AFG Dixon, AO Soares, J Skuhrovec, Z Martinkova
Current Opinion in Insect Science 20, 61-67, 2017
Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 8. Curculionoidea II: Hyperinae
J Skuhrovec
Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Vol. 8 (I. Löbl and A. Smetana, editors …, 2013
Treatment by glyphosate-based herbicide alters life history parameters of the rose-grain aphid Metopolophium dirhodum
P Saska, J Skuhrovec, J Lukáš, H Chi, SJ Tuan, A Honěk
Scientific Reports 6 (27801), 1-10, 2016
3.7. 2. Bagoini Thomson, 1859; Gonipterini Lacordaire, 1863; Hyperini Marseul, 1863
RG Oberprieler, R Caldara, J Skuhrovec, RAB Leschen, RG Beutel
Handbook of Zoology, Coleoptera, Beetles 3, 452-476, 2014
Invasive Insects Differ from Non-Invasive in Their Thermal Requirements
V Jarošík, M Kenis, A Honěk, J Skuhrovec, P Pyšek
Plos ONE 10 (6), e0131072, 2015
Trade-off among different anti-herbivore defence strategies along an altitudinal gradient.
T Dostálek, MB Rokaya, P Maršík, J Rezek, J Skuhrovec, R Pavela, ...
AoB Plants 8, plw026, 2016
The resilience of weed seedbank regulation by carabid beetles, at continental scales, to alternative prey
B Carbonne, S Petit, V Neidel, H Foffova, E Daouti, B Frei, J Skuhrovec, ...
Scientific Reports 10, 19315, 2020
Species interactions: next‐level citizen science
Q Groom, N Pernat, T Adriaens, M de Groot, SD Jelaska, D Marčiulynienė, ...
Ecography 44 (12), 1781-1789, 2021
Large differences in the composition of herbivore communities and seed damage in diploid and autotetraploid plant species
Z Münzbergová, J Skuhrovec, P Maršík
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115 (2), 270-287, 2015
Immatures of Palaearctic species of the weevil genus Sibinia (Coleoptera, Curculionidae): new descriptions and new bionomic data with suggestions on their potential value in a …
J Skuhrovec, R Gosik, R Caldara, M Košťál
Zootaxa 3955 (2), 151-187, 2015
Biology and morphology of immature stages of Adosomus roridus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Lixinae).
F Trnka, R Stejskal, J Skuhrovec
Zootaxa 4021 (3), 433-446, 2015
Biology and morphology of immature stages of Coniocleonus nigrosuturatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Lixinae)
R Stejskal, F Trnka, J Skuhrovec
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 54, 337-354, 2014
Leaf structural traits rather than drought resistance determine aphid performance on spring wheat
P Saska, J Skuhrovec, E Tylová, H Platková, SJ Tuan, YT Hsu, P Vítámvás
Journal of Pest Science 94 (2), 423–434, 2021
Digital-Weevil-Determination for Curculionoidea of West Palaearctic. Transalpina: Hypera / Limobius / Metadonus (Hyperinae: Hyperini).
J Skuhrovec
Snudebiller 10, 39-47., 2009
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Articles 1–20