Kevin Feldheim
Kevin Feldheim
A. Watson Armour III Lab Manager of the Pritzker Laboratory for Molecular Systematics and Evolution
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Larval export from marine reserves and the recruitment benefit for fish and fisheries
HB Harrison, DH Williamson, RD Evans, GR Almany, SR Thorrold, ...
Current biology 22 (11), 1023-1028, 2012
There and back again: a review of residency and return migrations in sharks, with implications for population structure and management
DD Chapman, KA Feldheim, YP Papastamatiou, RE Hueter
Annual review of marine science 7 (1), 547-570, 2015
The breeding biology of lemon sharks at a tropical nursery lagoon
KA Feldheim, SH Gruber, MV Ashley
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2002
Global phylogeography and seascape genetics of the lemon sharks (genus Negaprion)
JK Schultz, KA Feldheim, SH Gruber, MV Ashley, TM McGovern, ...
Molecular Ecology 17 (24), 5336-5348, 2008
Two decades of genetic profiling yields first evidence of natal philopatry and long‐term fidelity to parturition sites in sharks
KA Feldheim, SH Gruber, JD DiBattista, EA Babcock, ST Kessel, ...
Molecular Ecology 23 (1), 110-117, 2014
Reconstruction of parental microsatellite genotypes reveals female polyandry and philopatry in the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris
KA Feldheim, SH Gruber, MV Ashley
Evolution 58 (10), 2332-2342, 2004
Population genetic structure of the lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris) in the western Atlantic: DNA microsatellite variation
KA Feldheim, SH Gruber, MV Ashley
Molecular Ecology 10 (2), 295-303, 2001
Species composition of the international shark fin trade assessed through a retail‐market survey in Hong Kong
AT Fields, GA Fischer, SKH Shea, H Zhang, DL Abercrombie, ...
Conservation biology 32 (2), 376-389, 2018
Long‐term natal site‐fidelity by immature lemon sharks (Negaprion brevirostris) at a subtropical island
DD Chapman, EA Babcock, SH Gruber, JD Dibattista, BR Franks, ...
Molecular ecology 18 (16), 3500-3507, 2009
Low genetic differentiation across three major ocean populations of the whale shark, Rhincodon typus
JV Schmidt, CL Schmidt, F Ozer, RE Ernst, KA Feldheim, MV Ashley, ...
PloS one 4 (4), e4988, 2009
When bigger is not better: selection against large size, high condition and fast growth in juvenile lemon sharks
JD Dibattista, KA Feldheim, SH Gruber, AP Hendry
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20 (1), 201-212, 2007
High variability and disomic segregation of microsatellites in the octoploid Fragaria virginiana Mill. (Rosaceae)
MV Ashley, JA Wilk, SMN Styan, KJ Craft, KL Jones, KA Feldheim, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 107, 1201-1207, 2003
A novel mini-DNA barcoding assay to identify processed fins from internationally protected shark species
AT Fields, DL Abercrombie, R Eng, K Feldheim, DD Chapman
PloS one 10 (2), e0114844, 2015
The elasmobranch husbandry manual: captive care of sharks, rays and their relatives
M Smith, D Warmolts, D Thoney, R Hueter
Special Publication of the Ohio Biological Survey 589 (145), 4, 2004
Are indirect genetic benefits associated with polyandry? Testing predictions in a natural population of lemon sharks
JD DiBATTISTA, KA Feldheim, SH Gruber, AP Hendry
Molecular Ecology 17 (3), 783-795, 2008
A genetic assessment of polyandry and breeding‐site fidelity in lemon sharks
Molecular Ecology 17 (14), 3337-3351, 2008
CITES‐listed sharks remain among the top species in the contemporary fin trade
D Cardeñosa, AT Fields, EA Babcock, H Zhang, K Feldheim, SKH Shea, ...
Conservation Letters 11 (4), e12457, 2018
Is multiple mating beneficial or unavoidable? Low multiple paternity and genetic diversity in the shortspine spurdog Squalus mitsukurii
TS Daly-Engel, RD Grubbs, KA Feldheim, BW Bowen, RJ Toonen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 403, 255-267, 2010
Glacial survival and post‐glacial recolonization of an arctic–alpine freshwater insect (Arcynopteryx dichroa, Plecoptera, Perlodidae) in Europe
K Theissinger, M Bálint, KA Feldheim, P Haase, J Johannesen, I Laube, ...
Journal of Biogeography 40 (2), 236-248, 2013
Multiple paternity of a lemon shark litter (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhinidae)
KA Feldheim, SH Gruber, MV Ashley
Copeia 2001 (3), 781-786, 2001
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Articles 1–20