Cory T Forbes
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Cited by
Curriculum design for inquiry: Preservice elementary teachers' mobilization and adaptation of science curriculum materials
CT Forbes, EA Davis
Journal of research in science teaching 47 (7), 820-839, 2010
Understanding pedagogical design capacity through teachers’ narratives
EA Davis, C Beyer, CT Forbes, S Stevens
Teaching and Teacher Education 27 (4), 797-810, 2011
The development of preservice elementary teachers' curricular role identity for science teaching
CT Forbes, EA Davis
Science Education 92 (5), 909-940, 2008
Exploring preservice elementary teachers’ critique and adaptation of science curriculum materials in respect to socioscientific issues
CT Forbes, EA Davis
Science & Education 17, 829-854, 2008
Empirical validation of integrated learning performances for hydrologic phenomena: 3rd‐grade students' model‐driven explanation‐construction
CT Forbes, L Zangori, CV Schwarz
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 52 (7), 895-921, 2015
Preservice elementary teachers' adaptation of science curriculum materials for inquiry‐based elementary science
CT Forbes
Science Education 95 (5), 927-955, 2011
Fostering student sense making in elementary science learning environments: Elementary teachers' use of science curriculum materials to promote explanation construction
L Zangori, CT Forbes, M Biggers
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 50 (8), 989-1017, 2013
Elementary teachers’ beliefs about, perceived competencies for, and reported use of scientific inquiry to promote student learning about and for the environment
CT Forbes, M Zint
The Journal of environmental education 42 (1), 30-42, 2010
Curriculum-dependent and curriculum-independent factors in preservice elementary teachers’ adaptation of science curriculum materials for inquiry-based science
CT Forbes
Journal of Science Teacher Education 24 (1), 179-197, 2013
Empirical research on K-16 climate education: A systematic review of the literature
D Bhattacharya, K Carroll Steward, CT Forbes
Journal of Geoscience Education 69 (3), 223-247, 2021
Investigating Essential Characteristics of Scientific Practices in Elementary Science Learning Environments: The P ractices of S cience O bservation P rotocol (P‐SOP)
CT Forbes, M Biggers, L Zangori
School Science and Mathematics 113 (4), 180-190, 2013
Impact of model‐based science curriculum and instruction on elementary students' explanations for the hydrosphere
B Baumfalk, D Bhattacharya, T Vo, C Forbes, L Zangori, C Schwarz
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 56 (5), 570-597, 2019
Patterns of inquiry-based science instruction and student science achievement in PISA 2015
CT Forbes, K Neumann, A Schiepe-Tiska
International Journal of Science Education 42 (5), 783-806, 2020
Peer mentoring in the development of beginning secondary science teachers: Three case studies
CT Forbes*
Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 12 (2), 219-239, 2004
Beginning elementary teachers' beliefs about the use of anchoring questions in science: A longitudinal study
CT Forbes, EA Davis
Science Education 94 (2), 365-387, 2010
Balancing teacher and student roles in elementary classrooms: Preservice elementary teachers’ learning about the inquiry continuum
M Biggers, CT Forbes
International Journal of Science Education 34 (14), 2205-2229, 2012
Elementary teachers' curriculum design and pedagogical reasoning for supporting students' comparison and evaluation of evidence-based explanations
M Biggers, CT Forbes, L Zangori
The Elementary School Journal 114 (1), 48-72, 2013
How do undergraduate STEM mentors reflect upon their mentoring experiences in an outreach program engaging K-8 youth?
K Nelson, J Sabel, C Forbes, N Grandgenett, W Tapprich, C Cutucache
International Journal of STEM Education 4, 1-13, 2017
Fostering third-grade students’ use of scientific models with the water cycle: Elementary teachers’ conceptions and practices
T Vo, CT Forbes, L Zangori, CV Schwarz
International Journal of Science Education 37 (15), 2411-2432, 2015
Preservice Elementary Teachers and Explanation Construction: Knowledge‐for‐Practice and Knowledge‐in‐Practice
L Zangori, CT Forbes
Science Education 97 (2), 310-330, 2013
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Articles 1–20