Sarah Cusser
Sarah Cusser
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
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Cited by
A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production
M Dainese, EA Martin, MA Aizen, M Albrecht, I Bartomeus, R Bommarco, ...
Science advances 5 (10), eaax0121, 2019
Natural land cover drives pollinator abundance and richness, leading to reductions in pollen limitation in cotton agroecosystems
S Cusser, JL Neff, S Jha
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 226, 33-42, 2016
Long‐term research avoids spurious and misleading trends in sustainability attributes of no‐till
S Cusser, C Bahlai, SM Swinton, GP Robertson, NM Haddad
Global Change Biology 26 (6), 3715-3725, 2020
Diversity and distribution of floral resources influence the restoration of plant–pollinator networks on a reclaimed strip mine
S Cusser, K Goodell
Restoration Ecology 21 (6), 713-721, 2013
Wild insect diversity increases inter-annual stability in global crop pollinator communities
D Senapathi, J Fründ, M Albrecht, MPD Garratt, D Kleijn, BJ Pickles, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1947), 20210212, 2021
How long do population level field experiments need to be? Utilising data from the 40‐year‐old LTER network
S Cusser, J Helms IV, CA Bahlai, NM Haddad
Ecology Letters 24 (5), 1103-1111, 2021
CropPol: A dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination
A Allen‐Perkins, A Magrach, M Dainese, LA Garibaldi, D Kleijn, R Rader, ...
Ecology 103 (3), e3614, 2022
Utilizing field collected insects for next generation sequencing: Effects of sampling, storage, and DNA extraction methods
KM Ballare, NS Pope, AR Castilla, S Cusser, RP Metz, S Jha
Ecology and Evolution 9 (24), 13690-13705, 2019
Unexpected functional complementarity from non-bee pollinators enhances cotton yield
S Cusser, NM Haddad, S Jha
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 314, 107415, 2021
Land-use history drives contemporary pollinator community similarity
S Cusser, JL Neff, S Jha
Landscape Ecology 33, 1335-1351, 2018
Small but critical: semi-natural habitat fragments promote bee abundance in cotton agroecosystems across both Brazil and the United States
S Cusser, C Grando, MI Zucchi, MM López-Uribe, NS Pope, K Ballare, ...
Landscape ecology 34, 1825-1836, 2019
Landscape context differentially drives diet breadth for two key pollinator species
S Cusser, JL Neff, S Jha
Oecologia 191 (4), 873-886, 2019
A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production. Sci Adv 5 (10): eaax0121
M Dainese, EA Martin, MA Aizen, M Albrecht, I Bartomeus, R Bommarco, ...
Land use change and pollinator extinction debt in exurban landscapes
S Cusser, JL Neff, S Jha
Insect Conservation and Diversity 8 (6), 562-572, 2015
Using a centrality index to determine the contribution of restored and volunteer plants in the restoration of plant-pollinator mutualisms on a reclaimed strip mine
S Cusser, K Goodell
Ecological Restoration 32 (2), 179-188, 2014
The broken window: An algorithm for quantifying and characterizing misleading trajectories in ecological processes
CA Bahlai, ER White, JD Perrone, S Cusser, KS Whitney
Ecological Informatics 64, 101336, 2021
Carrion increases pollination service across an urban gradient
S Cusser, JL Pechal, NM Haddad
Urban Ecosystems 24 (2), 243-250, 2021
Public and private economic benefits of adopting conservation tillage for cotton pollination
S Cusser, S Jha, E Lonsdorf, T Ricketts
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 342, 108251, 2023
Ten‐year trends reveal declining quality of seeded pollinator habitat on reclaimed mines regardless of seed mix diversity
AH Lybbert, SJ Cusser, KLJ Hung, K Goodell
Ecological Applications 32 (1), e02467, 2022
Pollination supply models from a local to global scale
A Giménez-García, A Allen-Perkins, I Bartomeus, S Balbi, JL Knapp, ...
Web Ecology 23 (2), 99-129, 2023
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Articles 1–20