Victor Kochkodan
Victor Kochkodan
Qatar Enviroment and Energy Research Institute
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A review on membrane fabrication: Structure, properties and performance relationship
BS Lalia, V Kochkodan, R Hashaikeh, N Hilal
Desalination 326, 77-95, 2013
A comprehensive review on surface modified polymer membranes for biofouling mitigation
V Kochkodan, N Hilal
Desalination 356, 187-207, 2015
Polymeric membranes: Surface modification for minimizing (bio) colloidal fouling
V Kochkodan, DJ Johnson, N Hilal
Advances in colloid and interface science 206, 116-140, 2014
A state of the art review on phosphate removal from water by biochars
IW Almanassra, G Mckay, V Kochkodan, MA Atieh, T Al-Ansari
Chemical Engineering Journal 409, 128211, 2021
Electrically conductive polymeric membranes for fouling prevention and detection: A review
F Ahmed, BS Lalia, V Kochkodan, N Hilal, R Hashaikeh
Desalination 391, 1-15, 2016
Can carbon-based nanomaterials revolutionize membrane fabrication for water treatment and desalination?
Y Manawi, V Kochkodan, MA Hussein, MA Khaleel, M Khraisheh, N Hilal
Desalination 391, 69-88, 2016
Adhesion of microorganisms to polymer membranes: a photobactericidal effect of surface treatment with TiO2
V Kochkodan, S Tsarenko, N Potapchenko, V Kosinova, V Goncharuk
Desalination 220 (1-3), 380-385, 2008
Surface modified polymeric membranes to reduce (bio) fouling: a microbiological study using E. coli
N Hilal, V Kochkodan, L Al-Khatib, T Levadna
Desalination 167, 293-300, 2004
Hybrid ion exchange–Pressure driven membrane processes in water treatment: A review
H Al Abdulgader, V Kochkodan, N Hilal
Separation and Purification Technology 116, 253-264, 2013
Photochemical modification of membrane surfaces for (bio) fouling reduction: a nano-scale study using AFM
N Hilal, L Al-Khatib, BP Atkin, V Kochkodan, N Potapchenko
Desalination 158 (1-3), 65-72, 2003
Review of phosphate removal from water by carbonaceous sorbents
IW Almanassra, V Kochkodan, G Mckay, MA Atieh, T Al-Ansari
Journal of Environmental Management 287, 112245, 2021
Effect of the surface modification of polymer membranes on their microbiological fouling
VM Kochkodan, N Hilal, VV Goncharuk, L Al-Khatib, TI Levadna
Colloid Journal 68, 267-273, 2006
Removal of aromatic hydrocarbons from water by activated carbon from apricot stones
B Petrova, T Budinova, B Tsyntsarski, V Kochkodan, Z Shkavro, N Petrov
Chemical Engineering Journal 165 (1), 258-264, 2010
Removal of organic substances from aqueous solutions by reagent enhanced reverse osmosis
VV Goncharuk, DD Kucheruk, VM Kochkodan, VP Badekha
Desalination 143 (1), 45-51, 2002
Boron removal from water with fractionized Amberlite IRA743 resin
NB Darwish, V Kochkodan, N Hilal
Desalination 370, 1-6, 2015
Lipase-immobilized biocatalytic membranes for enzymatic esterification: comparison of various approaches to membrane preparation
N Hilal, V Kochkodan, R Nigmatullin, V Goncharuk, L Al-Khatib
Journal of Membrane Science 268 (2), 198-207, 2006
A novel in situ membrane cleaning method using periodic electrolysis
R Hashaikeh, BS Lalia, V Kochkodan, N Hilal
Journal of membrane science 471, 149-154, 2014
Surface modified microfiltration membranes with molecularly recognising properties
N Hilal, V Kochkodan
Journal of Membrane Science 213 (1-2), 97-113, 2003
The chemistry of boron in water
V Kochkodan, NB Darwish, N Hilal
Boron separation processes, 35-63, 2015
Graft polymerization and plasma treatment of polymer membranes for fouling reduction: A review
VM Kochkodan, VK Sharma
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 47 (12), 1713-1727, 2012
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Articles 1–20