Elizabeth M Cook
Elizabeth M Cook
Barnard College-Columbia University
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Residential landscapes as social-ecological systems: a synthesis of multi-scalar interactions between people and their home environment
EM Cook, SJ Hall, KL Larson
Urban Ecosystems 15 (1), 19-52, 2012
Meta-studies in land use science: Current coverage and prospects
J Van Vliet, NR Magliocca, B Büchner, EM Cook, JMR Benayas, EC Ellis, ...
Ambio 45 (1), 15-28, 2016
A multi-scalar approach to theorizing socio-ecological dynamics of urban residential landscapes
R Roy Chowdhury, K Larson, M Grove, C Polsky, EM Cook, J Onsted, ...
Cities and the Environment (CATE) 4 (1), 6, 2011
The influence of diverse values, ecological structure, and geographic context on residents’ multifaceted landscaping decisions
KL Larson, EM Cook, C Strawhacker, SJ Hall
Human Ecology 38 (6), 747-761, 2010
A social-ecological-technological systems framework for urban ecosystem services
T McPhearson, EM Cook, M Berbés-Blázquez, C Cheng, NB Grimm, ...
One Earth 5 (5), 505-518, 2022
The co-production of sustainable future scenarios
DM Iwaniec, EM Cook, MJ Davidson, M Berbés-Blázquez, M Georgescu, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 197, 103744, 2020
Communicating with the public: opportunities and rewards for individual ecologists
ML Pace, SE Hampton, KE Limburg, EM Bennett, EM Cook, AE Davis, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8 (6), 292-298, 2010
A broader framing of ecosystem services in cities: benefits and challenges of built, natural, or hybrid system function
NB Grimm, EM Cook, RL Hale, DM Iwaniec
The Routledge Handbook of Urbanization and Global Environmental Change …, 2016
Cultural ecosystem services provided by rivers across diverse social-ecological landscapes: A social media analysis
RL Hale, EM Cook, BJ Beltrán
Ecological Indicators 107, 105580, 2019
Phosphorus in Phoenix: a budget and spatial representation of phosphorus in an urban ecosystem
GS Metson, RL Hale, DM Iwaniec, EM Cook, JR Corman, CS Galletti, ...
Ecological Applications 22 (2), 705-721, 2012
Beyond bouncing back? Comparing and contesting urban resilience frames in US and Latin American contexts
TA Muñoz-Erickson, S Meerow, R Hobbins, E Cook, DM Iwaniec, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 214, 104173, 2021
The framing of urban sustainability transformations
DM Iwaniec, EM Cook, O Barbosa, NB Grimm
Sustainability 11 (3), 573, 2019
A comparative gradient approach as a tool for understanding and managing urban ecosystems
CG Boone, EM Cook, SJ Hall, ML Nation, NB Grimm, CB Raish, DM Finch, ...
Urban Ecosystems 15 (4), 795-807, 2012
Integrating existing climate adaptation planning into future visions: A strategic scenario for the central Arizona–Phoenix region
DM Iwaniec, EM Cook, MJ Davidson, M Berbés-Blázquez, NB Grimm
Landscape and Urban Planning 200, 103820, 2020
Resilient urban futures
ZA Hamstead, DM Iwaniec, T McPhearson, M Berbés-Blázquez, EM Cook, ...
Springer Nature, 2021
Foundations and Frontiers of Ecosystem Science: Legacy of a Classic Paper (Odum 1969)
JR Corman, SL Collins, EM Cook, X Dong, LA Gherardi, NB Grimm, ...
Ecosystems, 1-13, 2018
Mixed method approach to assess atmospheric nitrogen deposition in arid and semi-arid ecosystems
EM Cook, R Sponseller, NB Grimm, SJ Hall
Environmental Pollution 239, 617-630, 2018
Comparing relationships between urban heat exposure, ecological structure, and socio-economic patterns in Beijing and New York City
J Wang, T McPhearson, W Zhou, EM Cook, P Herreros-Cantis, J Liu
Landscape and Urban Planning 235, 104750, 2023
Bridging landscape ecology and urban science to respond to the rising threat of mosquito-borne diseases
PA Kache, M Santos-Vega, AM Stewart-Ibarra, EM Cook, KC Seto, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 6 (11), 1601-1616, 2022
Toward participatory decision-making in river corridor management: two case studies from the European Alps
B Mazzorana, A Nardini, F Comiti, G Vignoli, E Cook, H Ulloa, A Iroumé
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 61 (7), 1250-1270, 2018
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Articles 1–20