Alex Albert
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Cited by
Early impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the United States construction industry
A Alsharef, S Banerjee, SMJ Uddin, A Albert, E Jaselskis
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (4), 1559, 2021
Enhancing construction hazard recognition with high-fidelity augmented virtuality
A Albert, MR Hallowell, B Kleiner, A Chen, M Golparvar-Fard
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 140 (7), 04014024, 2014
Role of safety training: Impact on hazard recognition and safety risk perception
M Namian, A Albert, CM Zuluaga, M Behm
Journal of construction engineering and management 142 (12), 04016073, 2016
Impact of safety climate on hazard recognition and safety risk perception
B Pandit, A Albert, Y Patil, AJ Al-Bayati
Safety science 113, 44-53, 2019
Enhancing construction hazard recognition and communication with energy-based cognitive mnemonics and safety meeting maturity model: Multiple baseline study
A Albert, MR Hallowell, BM Kleiner
Journal of construction engineering and management 140 (2), 04013042, 2014
Psychological Antecedents of Risk-Taking Behavior in Construction
A Tixier, M Hallowell, A Albert, L Boven, B Kleiner
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2014
Development of virtual reality and stereo-panoramic environments for construction safety training
I Jeelani, K Han, A Albert
Engineering, construction and architectural management 27 (8), 1853-1876, 2020
Improving hazard-recognition performance and safety training outcomes: Integrating strategies for training transfer
M Namian, A Albert, CM Zuluaga, EJ Jaselskis
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 142 (10), 04016048, 2016
Effect of distraction on hazard recognition and safety risk perception
M Namian, A Albert, J Feng
Journal of construction engineering and management 144 (4), 04018008, 2018
Why do construction hazards remain unrecognized at the work interface?
I Jeelani, A Albert, JA Gambatese
Journal of construction engineering and management 143 (5), 04016128, 2017
Automating and scaling personalized safety training using eye-tracking data
I Jeelani, K Han, A Albert
Automation in Construction 93, 63-77, 2018
Are visual search patterns predictive of hazard recognition performance? Empirical investigation using eye-tracking technology
I Jeelani, A Albert, K Han, R Azevedo
Journal of construction engineering and management 145 (1), 04018115, 2019
Experimental field testing of a real-time construction hazard identification and transmission technique
A Albert, MR Hallowell, BM Kleiner
Construction Management and Economics 32 (10), 1000-1016, 2014
Development and testing of a personalized hazard-recognition training intervention
I Jeelani, A Albert, R Azevedo, EJ Jaselskis
Journal of construction engineering and management 143 (5), 04016120, 2017
Empirical measurement and improvement of hazard recognition skill
A Albert, MR Hallowell, M Skaggs, B Kleiner
Safety science 93, 1-8, 2017
Development of immersive personalized training environment for construction workers
I Jeelani, K Han, A Albert
Computing in civil engineering 2017, 407-415, 2017
Real-time vision-based worker localization & hazard detection for construction
I Jeelani, K Asadi, H Ramshankar, K Han, A Albert
Automation in Construction 121, 103448, 2021
Fostering safety communication among construction workers: Role of safety climate and crew-level cohesion
B Pandit, A Albert, Y Patil, AJ Al-Bayati
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (1), 71, 2019
Wearable sensing devices: towards the development of a personalized system for construction safety and health risk mitigation
C Nnaji, I Awolusi, JW Park, A Albert
Sensors 21 (3), 682, 2021
Leveraging ChatGPT to aid construction hazard recognition and support safety education and training
SMJ Uddin, A Albert, A Ovid, A Alsharef
Sustainability 15 (9), 7121, 2023
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Articles 1–20